Example sentences of "be [verb] to make [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Three factors ( size , speed , and groove-pitch ) might be manipulated to make long-playing records .
2 Katharine will be expected to make two speeches during her visit , but for now she 's practicing the most important phrase : thank-you for having me .
3 No legislation could be expected to make ready-money dealings the universal rule .
4 Aguirre , previously thought of as one of the President 's most loyal officers , described it as " unfair and unjust " and stated that a leader who was incapable of " making a just and proper decision over a simple matter such as appointments can not be expected to make correct decisions about the complex affairs of state " .
5 Peter Field , the chief Australian negotiator , said that although developing countries in the " Cairns Group " would be expected to make lower cuts in protective import tariffs , their endorsement of the proposals showed that they were " prepared to bite the bullet " .
6 Finally , CytR would be expected to make identical contacts to the two cAMP-CRP complexes in deoP2 .
7 One was to acknowledge that GATT 's rules should take account of levels of economic development , and that developing countries henceforward would not invariably be expected to make reciprocal concessions to the rich , developed countries .
8 Furthermore , graduates can be expected to make fewer demands on the public purse in later life .
9 The Swedish Prime Minister , Carl Bildt , justly complained that ‘ membership has unspecified potential obligations ’ , and that Sweden thus could not be expected to make binding assurances that she would participate in a common defence policy which has not yet been defined .
10 If Saddam Hussein or Colonel Qaddaffi were bidding for control of a firm that employs 130,000 people , makes explosives and could be made to make chemical weapons , that would be reason for concern .
11 However , an attempt must be made to make constructive suggestions , even if there are glaring contradictions .
12 If Corys can be seen to make repeated dashes to the aquarium surface , this tends to indicate a low oxygen level ; a high nitrate level , and/or low pH .
13 It is technically perfectly lawful for a Minister of the Crown to be empowered to make statutory instruments in such a way that they are never subjected to parliamentary scrutiny — indeed , there is no requirement of promulgation or publication for an instrument to become legally binding and an instrument made by the Minister and cached in his bottom drawer could be as binding as the Theft Act ( although in this situation ignorance might , rarely in our law , offer a defence by reason of s.3(2) of the Statutory Instruments Act
14 If we seek historically aware performances in this repertory , should we not be seeking to make informed decisions about tempos and their relationships ( and consequent effects on inequality ) by considering the available evidence of mensural traditions , time-words and notated timings , rather than ignoring it ?
15 Whilst the evident unpopularity of Soviet domination in Eastern Europe may be thought to make such forces reliable in wartime for garrison and rear duties only , fact is that these military forces are trained and equipped for a war with NATO , according to an offensive doctrine of ‘ coalition warfare ’ , designed to place them from the start of hostilities onto an ‘ external front ’ .
16 Fastness to light may be a problem , but this does not mean that they can not be used to make finished pieces .
17 While there are tools that have more stitch hooks ( optional ) and these could be used to make wider cables , a three over three pattern probably remains the most comfortable to work with .
18 Standard techniques may be used to make broad comparisons between groups of individuals but the statistical analysis of changes over time and interrelationships between events , topics often of special interest to the psychologist , is much less well understood .
19 Cut and sew can also be used to make two fronts from a single knitted piece .
20 We have also seen how Raman polarization data and gas-phase band contours may be used to make complete assignments of the observed bands to vibrations of particular symmetry species .
21 The task of Positive economics , Friedman says , ‘ is to provide a system of generalisations that can be used to make correct predictions about the consequences of any change in circumstances ’ .
22 Spare marzipan trimmings can be used to make little flowers to surround the toadstool .
23 A distinction must be made at this stage between things which can be used to make unauthorized copies of programs , but which also have legitimate uses ( for example , computers with two disk drives and cassette players with twin tape decks ) and things specifically designed to overcome copy-protection such as software to be used to copy other software which has been copy-protected .
24 It can also be used to make deeper colours and give stronger definition to details .
25 In 16 , however ( and perhaps in 15 , too ) , it is possible to argue not only that the two sentences can be used to make identical statements , but more specifically that horse and mare make effectively the same semantic contribution to their respective sentences .
26 What is at issue is whether improved resource levels should be used to make special schools internally more satisfactory , doing what they have historically done but doing it in some sense more efficiently , or whether those resources are used in an attempt to improve the general education service in ways which might reduce its need for transferring pupils to special schools .
27 The surveys of 1977 and 1981 covered very large samples and can be used to make reliable statements not only about Scottish secondary education as a whole but also about each of the 450 secondary schools in Scotland .
28 On the eve of the IAEA visit Argentina announced that it was cancelling an US$18 million deal to supply nuclear equipment to Iran , because of a lack of safeguards to ensure it would not be used to make nuclear weapons .
29 Strips of this make ideal flashings for brickwork , whilst whole plates can be used to make weatherproof roofs for sheds .
30 Referendums can not be used to make significant changes in the voting system for the lower house of parliament .
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