Example sentences of "be [verb] off in [art] " in BNC.

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1 The generation of surplus ACT has a detrimental effect on the company 's reported earnings , since it must usually be written off in the accounts .
2 The recognition that children can not simply be written off in the rationality stakes and can not therefore be denied autonomy on this account has led some writers to conclude that they can not , therefore , be denied it on any account .
3 The expenditure concerned therefore will be written off in the year in which it is incurred .
4 Here the desires of the vendor and Newco may converge because the problem for Newco in acquiring goodwill is that it will reduce Newco 's distributable profits as it must be written off in the profit and loss account , unless it can be written off against the share premium account .
5 A ruling yesterday by the Accounting Standards Board means any premium or discount when a company repurchases its own debt must be be written off in the same year it is incurred .
6 The remaining 51 per cent of Qantas will be sold off in a public share float some time next year .
7 They would be going off in the boat together because that is what they always did in the mornings , to return in half an hour .
8 Rural housing had been the first to receive attention because it could be regarded as the responsibility of each landowner ; but the housing in towns was literally nobody 's business and could pass unnoticed , just as factory hands could be laid off in a recession , as farming labourers with tied cottages could not .
9 Obviously this would only be of benefit if there were capital gains against which the loss can be set off in the current or future years .
10 Times was hard , and he had the advantage over the insurance company of knowing that his profits might be tapering off in the near future , and he thinks , ah , I 'll get , er , I 'll take out a Permanent Health Insurance , based on my present income to protect seventy-five , because I know in about three or four years time , my income would have gone down to about sixty per cent of what it is , so .
11 If they did , the rate of reproduction of bacteria is such that 10 million copies of the New Testament could be run off in a single day , a missionary 's dream if only people could read the DNA alphabet but , alas , the characters are so small that all 10 million copies of the New Testament could simultaneously dance upon the surface of a pin 's head .
12 And then you 'll be finished off in the sculleries .
13 A quick release buckle on the hipbelt is essential in case a pack needs to be thrown off in an emergency .
14 The horseshoe ridge that Ben Lawers dominates can be knocked off in a single day if you have legs of iron , but for a more leisurely exploration of the hills , Glen Lyon is where to pick off Meall a' Choire Leith , Meall Garbh , and the more distant Meall Greigh that turns the horseshoe into an S-shape .
15 Using this , make a box 375mm square and 375mm high , with a lid that can be taken off in the spring so that the box can be cleaned .
16 The mare will look after the foal until he 's at least five weeks old and then he 'll be weaned off in the natural way .
17 He is the first player to be sent off in a Manchester derby since 1974 , when both Lou Macari and Mike Doyle were dismissed .
18 His footballing skills were obviously allied to a questionable temperament , and in January 1985 Frank McAvennie lived up to his immense promise , becoming the first Scottish footballer to be sent off in a Premier league match for giving a ‘ V ’ sign to the opposing fans .
19 Ferguson became the first player to be sent off in the six-year reign of Scotland manager Andy Roxburgh .
20 Moran , the first player to be sent off in an FA Cup Final when he fouled Peter Reid in the 1985 FA Cup Final between United and Everton , has tasted every emotion that football can offer .
21 The first is in relation to debtor-creditor-supplier agreements where the amount owed is to be paid off in a few instalments .
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