Example sentences of "be [verb] against the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 At this stage it is difficult to assess whether the potential benefits to accounts users which may arise from improvements in audit judgments and financial reporting as a result of regulation can be justified against the costs , particularly at the smaller end of the market .
2 At first the rebels appealed to the sultan , whose authority they claimed to be upholding against the janissaries .
3 ‘ The third defendant denies the plaintiffs ' claim against him but if contrary to his contentions he is held liable to the plaintiffs , he claims against you to be indemnified against the plaintiffs ' claims and the costs of this action , alternatively contribution to such extent of the plaintiffs ' claims as the court may think fit , on the grounds that ( 1 ) at all material times , you were the accountants retained by and advising the plaintiffs and each of them in respect of the proposed transaction ( and in particular the financial aspects thereof ) in relation to which the said alleged liability of the plaintiffs and each of them to [ B.M.T. ] was incurred ; ( 2 ) in about the period from January to September 1983 , you acted in breach of contract and negligently towards the plaintiffs and each of them in that you failed to advise them properly or at all with regard to the said proposed transaction and the financial aspects thereof and in particular failed to explain the full nature and extent thereof to the plaintiffs and each of them and/or failed to advise the plaintiffs as to the commercial prudence of the same and/or the risks inherent in proceeding with the same and/or failed to warn them not to enter into the same ; ( 3 ) that in so far as any financial information was or may have been communicated by the third defendant he did so in reliance upon information supplied by you .
4 I hope that these factors , together with custodianship and more willingness to look at open adoption by the judiciary as well as by social workers , will diminish the number of occasions when adoptive placements have to be made against the wishes of the natural parents , and/or children .
5 The defence counsel said that appeals would be made against the verdicts .
6 The equation of abstract painting and music is long established and provides a genre in which Oulton 's work may be seen against the likes of Mark Rothko .
7 594 ) , that on an application for leave to apply for a residence order with respect to a child in the care of a local authority : ‘ Only in quite exceptional cases would leave be granted against the wishes of the local authority . ’
8 Michael Cole , the media director for the House of Fraser , said on March 7 , 1990 , that the report was inept and prejudiced , while on the same day Sir Edward Du Cann , chairman of Lonrho ( which had itself desired to take over the House of Fraser ) , criticized the government for refusing to take action against the Fayeds and said that damages would be sought against the brothers through the courts .
9 The fundamental stress on proper moral order as the basis of a healthy society could be dangerously two-edged ; it could plausibly be turned against the reformers by the assertion that abolition and emancipation would cut off the civilising influence of Europeans on Africans and result in social and political upheaval in the colonies .
10 New tactics were to be used against the Russians in which the destructive power of artillery fire would be the principal weapon .
11 ‘ You brought the money , Andrus , and gave it to Mordecai to be used against the Copts .
12 The Republican Party saw this as an issue which could be used against the Democrats in the approaching presidential election of 1920 .
13 He 's worried that the guns may be used against the police .
14 So there may be occasions when you feel that it would be nice to make er a change to er a system or procedure , and in actual fact it becomes really not possible because we would then be going against the dictates and requirements in I S O Nine Thousand and One .
15 The reader in this situation has a choice : the work in an exhibition can be measured against the artists ' manifesto ; or the critic 's interpretation and assessment can be used .
16 Saddam Hussein 's invasion was the clearest breach of the international rules imaginable ; his expansionist intentions and despotic nature were in no doubt ; western oil supplies were endangered and a consensus could readily be mustered against the invaders .
17 Government intervention in a market economy should be assessed against the criteria of distributional equity and allocative efficiency .
18 A bank account standing in credit , and charged with debts owed to the bank by other account holders , can be offset against the debts in the bank 's liquidation ( p 111 ) .
19 Where the company can exercise the right of set-off against a preferential creditor who is also owed a non-preferential debt by the company , the set-off must be exercised against the debts rateably in proportion to the amounts of the preferential and non-preferential claims of the creditor .
20 The Cabinet Secretary would have said that the prime minister had issued a specific directive that no intelligence operations were to be mounted against the Russians during their visit .
21 We are quite clear , and we were clear when we conducted the talks this summer , that they were not peace talks because they would not bring an end to the violence , but were one of the pressures that can be mounted against the terrorists .
22 Access to Community waters and quotas would scarcely be feasible by fishing from United Kingdom ports under the flag of another state and , in any event , the United Kingdom would still be discriminating against the nationals of other member states , who would be prevented from pursuing an economic activity under the same conditions as British nationals .
23 The multi-roomed and historically-eclectic pub needs to be protected against the ravages of the all-over designer look .
24 But no system can wholly protect fools from their own folly or from the knavery of others , and the advantages of trying to do so as fully as possible have to be weighed against the disadvantages of imposing fetters on business conducted honestly and efficiently .
25 At least there are benefits to be weighed against the costs !
26 This might well help bring perpetrators of abuse to justice , and help protect any future children in a family , but these benefits must be weighed against the risks to vulnerable and suggestible suspects .
27 A military tribunal 's claim in November that the dead were Colombian rebels , was followed by a conflicting court ruling in January 1989 that charges should be brought against the perpetrators and their superior officers .
28 Then it is also objected that utilitarian thinking , which has reached its apotheosis in modern cost benefit analysis , regards all values as commensurable , and therefore thinks of every harm as something which can be compensated for , reaching , it is felt , particularly repellent extremes when the value of a human life is calculated as something to be set against the goods achieved by a motorway or by economy in safety precautions at a factory .
29 The fact that the company never had and was never entitled to have some of the documents and that certain of them could only be obtained by litigation with the appellants , in so far as they were relevant to issues in that litigation , are factors to take into account in the balancing exercise to be set against the purposes of the administration set out in section 8 of the Act of 1986 .
30 To grasp their real magnitude these figures need to be set against the incomes of other social groups .
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