Example sentences of "be [verb] under the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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31 From this it follows that far more transactions could well be caught under the section than at first appears .
32 some course leaders ' definition of ‘ enterprise ’ differed from that given by the Enterprise Centre — a number believe that a particular industry 's skills should be included under the umbrella of enterprise .
33 Pace the unjustified slur , naming 10 famous Belgians is easy , even if the Singing Nun , the Mannekin Pis and Hercule Poirot are declared ineligible ( and Jacques Brel counts five of most other countries ' famous people in our book ) — and there could just be another one soon , in the person of Finance Minister Philippe Maystadt , who could become the father of a whole new economics after his proposal that Belgium levy a robot tax on factory machines to get humans back to work : it 's a great idea , and why not take it further and ban construction machinery from the roads to get the shovels back into navvies ' hands — and no doubt computers can be included under the tax , so that in no time , in a dramatic return to Victorian values , while the Belgian economy may not actually start booming , the country will have the world 's biggest quill pen industry .
34 Since reform was now unavoidable it must be made certain that Ireland would be included under the redistribution clauses and that the House of Lords should be restored to entrench resistance to Labour .
35 There are a number of different groupings , which may be included under the rubric of social movement : neighbourhood councils , which include the gamut of barrio and community organisations aimed at solving problems of urban facilities and also those that are concerned with living standards , particularly in the form of rising prices of food , transport and other necessities ; women 's movements , which have become particularly prominant in Grenada and Nicaragua , but which also exist in more localised forms in other countries ; human rights groups , which have become so well-known on a national scale in Argentina , but are also active at neighbourhood level as for example in São Paulo , where one was formed in 1978 in the barrio of São Miguel after one of the inhabitants was victimised by police brutality ( Singer 1982 ) ; CEBs , as described in Chapter 4 , are spreading now throughout the continent ; regional movements have emerged in countries where the interests of one region have been subordinated to those of other areas as in Peru ; and political protest groups , which in the extreme become guerrilla groups , such as Sendero Luminoso in Peru .
36 Last in should be the tent , which can be carried under the rucksack flap , and your waterproofs .
37 The Court of Appeal has held that an offence can be committed under the Computer Misuse Act 1990 by the unauthorised use of one computer .
38 The Court of Appeal recently decided that an offence can be committed under the Computer Misuse Act 1990 by the unauthorised use of one computer ( see Attorney-General 's Reference ( No 1 of 1991 ) [ 1992 ] 3 WLR 432 ) .
39 The court held that no offence was committed in that case , since the person at whom the conduct was directed was an undercover policeman who was unlikely to be provoked to violence , and no offence would be committed under the Act either , for the same reasons .
40 The questions which our proposal can usefully address are : ( i ) Will it lead to any discriminating predictions about observable data which differ from what would be expected under the assumption that postnominals are simply normal attributive adjectives ? ( ii ) How might our claim relate to the characteristics of postnominal attributives discussed in Sections 3.5 to 3.7 ? ( iii ) Can it cast any light in particular on the fact that only a subset of adjectives can occur as postnominal attributives ?
41 Damage to business property can not be claimed under the Act .
42 If the value exceeds £275 , then it can be claimed under the Act .
43 The information memorandum can be prepared under the guise of a management consultancy report .
44 The fact that such allegations could be made under the cloak of privilege , and the victim has had no right of redress or to cross-examine those making them , has been a blot on our system of justice .
45 The rules of court contain a table which lists the various applications which may be made under the Act and specifies who must be named as a respondent ( FPCR , Sched 2 ; FPR , Appendix 3 ) .
46 ‘ The circumstances of our times ’ , he had then said in his Report to the Committee of the House of Commons on the Poor Laws , ‘ render a change in our internal policy respecting the poor and the working classes absolutely necessary ; and the first question to be decided by every man of all ranks is : shall the alteration be made under the guidance of moderation and wisdom , foreseeing and gradually preparing each step , one regularly after another , thereby preventing a single premature advance — or , shall the change be effected by ignorance and prejudice , under the baneful influence of [ anger and violence ] … .
47 An order is not to be made under the section if the company entered into the transaction in good faith and for the purpose of carrying on its business and at the time there were reasonable grounds for believing the transaction would benefit the company : subsection ( 5 ) .
48 An order is not to be made under the section unless , in deciding to give the preference , the company was influenced by a desire to produce that effect : subsection ( 5 ) .
49 Held , dismissing the appeal , that , if there had been a contravention of section 3 of the Act of 1986 , an order could be made under section 6(2) against both the contravener and persons knowingly concerned in that contravention provided that such order was intended to restore all the parties to specific transactions to their respective former positions and that the steps ordered to be taken were reasonably capable of achieving that object ; that , on a contravention of one of the provisions of section 6(1) ( a ) , an order could be made under the subsection against persons knowingly concerned in the contravention provided that the steps ordered to be taken were reasonably capable of remedying the contravention ; that such restitutionary orders could be made notwithstanding that the persons knowingly concerned had received nothing under the impugned transactions , there being no distinction between the type of order that could be made under the subsections against a contravener and a person knowingly concerned ; and that , accordingly , the judge had been right to dismiss the solicitors ' summons to strike out the S.I.B . 's claims against them ( post , pp. 907C–D , F–G , G–H , 909D–G , G–H , 910D , 913D–G , H — 914A , 915C–D ) .
50 There is no clear boundary between the measures that can be adopted under the Treaty and those adopted under the Agreement .
51 The agreed ratio will reflect a number of considerations , such as : ( a ) the age and experience of each partner ; ( b ) the amount of time a partner is required to devote to the firm ; ( c ) the nature of each partner 's work ( legal aid or private , fee earning only or including a generous proportion of remuneration for office and appointments held ) ; ( d ) the extent to which the profits of separate departments within the firm differ substantially from one another ; ( e ) whether the firm 's policy tends to equality of reward ( and equality would be imposed under the Partnership Act in the absence of some other agreed ratio ) or whether , for example , it attempts to relate profit shares to salaries in comparable employments .
52 I am reliably assured that King 's College Chapel in Cambridge , which has stood as steady as a rock for the past 450 years , could never be built today because the design would never be accepted under the safety limits of the building regulations !
53 During autumn he puts out his invisible lines that can only be seen under the microscope of the sun beams , and he is carried into the deep ocean , a balloonist travelling to an unknown destination .
54 It is much harder to move from a visual , qualitative appreciation of what can be seen under the microscope to more quantitative measures of how much or how many of any component is present ; yet unless something entirely new was being synthesized as a result of training , then what we might anticipate observing would be small changes in the number , pattern or distribution of existing structures , particularly synapses .
55 A gentle rhythm pulses along it , the material of which it is constructed looks like membrane-covered cartilage ( and has a similar consistency ) , and slender blood vessels can be seen under the lining of membrane .
56 The problem is , of course , that child abuse work is all too often conducted under enormous time and resource pressures , and may at times have to be done under the glare of unwelcome publicity or in the aftermath of an incident that has aroused public concern .
57 In 1922 , Collins promised on behalf of the Labour Party that ‘ all that can be done under the Maternity and Child Welfare Acts in the way of helping necessitous , and expectant and nursing mothers , and caring for young children would have our support ’ ( Election leaflet 1922 ) .
58 This can be done under the Planning Acts by way of a Special Development Order ( SDO ) , or it can be provided for in a Private Act concerned specifically with a project .
59 For instance , suppose that in tigers there is a particular gene which , by means of its sideways influence in cells of the jaw , causes the teeth to be a little sharper than those that would be grown under the influence of a rival gene .
60 It may also be that the agent would be asked to advise on the cost , and , as with civil legislation , costs in parliamentary matters can in appropriate cases be taxed under the House of Commons Costs Taxation Act , 1847 , and the 1849 Act on similar lines for the House of Lords , the only difference in Scotland being that taxation is done by the Auditor of the Court of Session .
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