Example sentences of "be [verb] by the time " in BNC.

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1 Leys , for example , argues that the fact that the colonial state apparatus had to subdue opposition from pre-colonial ruling classes does not mean that it would inevitably be overdeveloped by the time of dependence , because ‘ by that time the capitalist mode of production had been introduced , and made effectively dominant , in the colonial social formation ’ .
2 As an example Russell and Macmillan ( 1952 ) quote the fact that with a westerly gale of twelve hours ' duration in the Atlantic the size of the waves reaching Cornwall would be limited by the time and not by the fetch , i.e. the distance between Cornwall and America .
3 The news might well be outdated by the time it reached the curia , messengers and even legates might be seized , as Cardinal Leo was by King Imre of Hungary , and the curial instructions might well be outdated when they reached their target .
4 There are some limitations with this approach , which may be resolved by the time the final product hits the streets .
5 While it is true that the longer the period of time over which the child 's language is sampled , the more representative that sample will be of the child 's underlying linguistic knowledge , in practical terms the length of any recording will be constrained by the time available for transcription and coding .
6 It 'll all be forgotten by the time we do go back to town .
7 And after just a few sessions of treatment his parents were overjoyed to be told their son could be walking by the time they leave the Capital in April .
8 ‘ I 'm pretty fit and I do like cycling but I expect I 'll be shattered by the time I get to the end .
9 That will be revealed by the time the report is published by the NRA .
10 By contrast with diamonds , which were too hard to be ground smooth and could only be mounted as natural crystals until medieval lapidaries had learned how to cut them , coloured transparent stones continued to be shaped by the time honoured methods originally devised for opaque stones .
11 Although ideally basic competence in moving about independently should be developing by the time the pupil first comes to school , there is likely to be among visually handicapped children a range of levels of skill in independent mobility and in competence in using the environment fully and safely .
12 Mr David Anderson , support services manager , said agreed staffing levels would be met by the time the unit opened in August or September .
13 Penelope thought it wiser not to point out that the Stores would certainly be closed by the time she got there , but felt she had done enough in showing her which bus to take .
14 ‘ The gates of the city will be closed by the time we arrive , and wo n't be opened until morning .
15 ‘ I wo n't even be washed by the time you come down . ’
16 The old slums in Wallace Street have gone now , replaced nearby by a small , neat council estate of flats and maisonettes ; across the main road there 's a sixties estate of dour concrete so riddled with damp and concrete corrosion that it may be demolished by the time this book is published .
17 ‘ The point is , ’ said Dyson , thumping the car down into second to slow up at the traffic lights , ‘ a journalist ought to be specializing by the time he 's forty .
18 Large expanses of privet need a longer blade , and the extra cost will be offset by the time saved .
19 Bias may be introduced by the time and place of the quota selection unbalancing the sample in respect of some unconsidered attribute such as employment status .
20 I certainly would n't coach it so I think you would be creased by the time you got there in two days .
21 ‘ He 's going to be tired by the time the plane comes . ’
22 A way would have to be found by the time of the Edinburgh Summit ( later the Birmingham Summit was introduced for the same purpose ) of providing a form of words ( possibly involving subsidiarity ) which would help the Danes to save face .
23 MEANWHILE , back at the ranch , Michael Murray , a banker , Ian MacLaurin , chairman of Tesco , the TCCB accountant , Brian Downin , the promotional and marketing man , and three others , including one isolated first-class cricketer , have been looking at the structure of the first-class game and the counties ' verdict will be known by the time you read this .
24 ‘ I expect you to be gone by the time I get back . ’
25 I 'll be gone by the time you wake up in the morning .
26 ‘ You said you 'd be gone by the time I got up . ’
27 Only 7 nuns remain at Bartestree and they 'll be gone by the time auctioneers sell off the contents of the convent in 3 weeks time .
28 Only 7 nuns remain at Bartestree and they 'll be gone by the time auctioneers sell off the contents of the convent in 3 weeks time .
29 Each day 's distance would be governed by the time required to make and break camp , to hunt animals for food , and to prepare meals .
30 Their pay varied , but very few girls in these occupations ever earned as much as the 12s-13s a week , which as we have seen is what a girl compositor could be earning by the time she was about 20 , with the ( limited but real ) possibility of earning more later .
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