Example sentences of "be [verb] by [noun] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The effects of the crisis were also expected to be eased by October debt write-offs by the Gulf Co-operation Council countries and the United States totalling $14,100 million [ see p. 37795 ] , and economic aid of $400,000,000 and $300,000,000 from Japan and Germany respectively [ see p. 37695 ; 37795 ] .
2 To contract out more functions which do not have to be undertaken by health authority staff and which could be provided more cost effectively by the private sector .
3 In summary , this studh shows that in about 50% of patients with H pylori negative DU their disease can be explained by NSAID use , underlying Zollinger-Ellison syndrome , or Crohn 's disease .
4 And while the fact that the women were almost exclusively found on conversion courses , and in computing , the difference between men and women can not be explained by IT course type alone .
5 A rising yield curve can be explained by liquidity preference theory .
6 This result is rnarginally different from the value given in the quote but may be explained by arithmetic error .
7 How can such behaviour be favoured by s election ?
8 Now that trait could well be favoured by species selection , because what is it that evolves — individuals do not evolve — we are born and we die , but we do n't evolve .
9 THE Saxon Crosses and St Mary 's Church at Sandbach , will be discussed this evening by Frodsham and District Local History Group and an audio/visual presentation will be given by guest speaker John Minshull at the meeting in Castle Park Arts Centre , starting 7.45pm .
10 You may feel pressured to buy what ‘ everybody else is getting this year , Mum , ’ but there are alternatives to please you both — and that wo n't be broken by Boxing Day .
11 By reference to the TUC 'S report on industrial democracy , it states the movement 's own position as follows : that the development of participation at national and local level has left a gap at company level which can only be filled by employee representation on the company board .
12 The first is the absence of deep gaps in barrier reefs and atolls , whereas if subsidence has been long continued , there should be deep gaps present , because once the gaps are deeper than the depth at which reef-building corals occur they can not be filled by coral growth .
13 If successfully claimed , 50 per cent of the total costs of the training would be refunded by Grampian Enterprise .
14 Two closely related plants can be joined by grafting part of one ( the scion ) on top of another ( stock or rootstock ) to produce an artificial plant with the virtues of both .
15 The nurses will be joined by Age Concern , Mencap and the Carers ' Association .
16 They will be joined by Mike Cash from Ireland , Danny Downing from the Midlands , Johnny Carson from Yorkshire and Billy Bean from Lancashire .
17 They may be heated by steam coil , electric immersion heater or gas and provide a hot rinse and disinfection capability .
18 At present the ice sheet is believed to be replenished by snow fall at about the same rate as ice melts or is lost into the sea .
19 The selection rules for Raman spectra are different , but parallel and perpendicular vibrations of symmetric tops may be distinguished by Raman band contours in the same way as described above for IR bands , although this may not be enough to allow us to assign symmetry species to all bands .
20 It is sensible to treat all raw meat and poultry with extreme care as it must be assumed that it is likely to be contaminated by food poisoning germs .
21 Hard tough polymers can be typified by cellulose acetate and several curves measured at different temperatures are shown in figure 13.7(a) .
22 The results obtained from the computer analysis will be checked by field investigation .
23 One hundred and one patients were randomised into two groups : patients to be treated by heater probe ( n=50 ) .
24 Finally , we must consider what class of NLPs can be treated by PWL approximation using SOSs .
25 Boxer Alan Temple , 19 , is to be honoured by Hartlepool Council at a civic reception after bringing the ABA featherweight title back to the town .
26 The £65m park is to be developed by toy building brick company Lego whose UK retail and marketing headquarters is at Wrexham .
27 The site 's about to be developed by Tarmac Construction , but Thamesdown Media Arts wants part of it to be set aside for a museum , telling the story — the whole story — of those who worked there .
28 Richardson , 22 , of Clevedon , Avon , admitted 33 fraud charges and asked for 48 others to be considered by Gloucester Crown Court .
29 The other guideline which was issued was namely that of capital , where the a accepted the general guidelines which appeared in the county papers and as far as this Committee was concerned , would mean the general acceptance of all those items which appear in that the first year of that capital programme , subject to the proviso that the revenue contemplated and the benefits of the capital programme will be considered by Policy Panel in its forthcoming meeting .
30 Together with the above spatial interrogation , parts can also be located by part number or description as in the traditional manner .
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