Example sentences of "be [verb] by [noun] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Clearly , an accurate account of the effects of social policy in the area of juvenile crime could not be undertaken by reference solely to official statistics .
2 Access to mental health services often bypasses social services departments ( unlike services such as those for the elderly ) ; thus the bulk of the initial screening will probably be undertaken by staff not working for the local authority .
3 A principal role should be undertaken by staff directly involved with and who are experienced in dealing with , elderly groups .
4 The convoluted language to argue in favour of national control in the Tory manifesto can be explained by anxiety not to use the technical , but too foreign-sounding , EC term ‘ subsidiarity ’ .
5 The rarity of lianes on truly oceanic islands , e.g. Mauritius and Galapagos Islands ( one or two only ) , can be explained by wind-dispersal not being efficient enough to get them to islands .
6 ( 13 ) If notice of the court-ordered meeting has to be given by advertisement then the explanatory statement must be set out in full in the advertisement or , as is more likely , notice must be given of where members can obtain a copy free of charge ( CA 1985 , s426(3) and ( 5 ) ) .
7 Catholicism was a reasonable Faith , but like any other , it could not be justified by reason alone .
8 Remember that if the glider is drifting towards an obstruction this can only be stopped by banking away from it and not by just applying the rudder .
9 Sadly she deceived herself : as the sanitary authorities became convinced that cholera was water-borne and could be checked by means more immediately effective than prayer , public attention became focussed more on the sanitary inspector than on the parson .
10 18.1 Any notice required or permitted under the terms of this Agreement or required by statute , law or regulation shall , unless otherwise provided for , be in writing , and shall be delivered in person , sent by registered mail or air mail as appropriate , properly posted and fully pre-paid in an envelope properly addressed , or sent by telefax or by telex to the respective Parties as specified above or to such other address , telefax or telex number as may from time to time be designated by notice hereunder .
11 If you do decide to opt for the income to be paid out to you , this can be arranged by payment directly into your bank account .
12 repayment can be arranged by phone up to 12 noon on any working day
13 The supernatural beings of the Sinhalese could be manipulated by humans so as to influence events , but their ethical position was ambiguous .
14 stresses the importance of direct experience in the education of children : ‘ Children soon forget what they say or what is said to them , but not what they have done nor what has been done to them ’ ; ‘ Give your scholar no verbal lessons ; he should be taught by experience only ’ ( ibid .
15 THE FUTURE of one of Darlington 's historic yards will be considered by councillors tomorrow .
16 We were to be dropped by L.R.D.G. approx. four miles from our objective at 23.50 hours on night 11 July 1942 .
17 The course of infection can be modified by doctors so that early intervention to counter any deterioration can be made .
18 A cause of action which did not exist when the summons was issued can be added by amendment only with the consent of the other party ( Chuan Chow Maritime v K/S A/S Bulk Transport ( 1984 ) The Times , 25 February ) .
19 These problems can be addressed by studies where individuals have conducted long term studies of their own memories .
20 The main danger now is that the gain in competitiveness will be eroded by inflation partly triggered by the rise in import costs .
21 The main danger now is that the gain in competitiveness will be eroded by inflation partly triggered by the rise in import costs .
22 As a keen walker and lover of the countryside Hardy would surely approve of how West Dorset has been preserved to be enjoyed by people today as he enjoyed it in his own time .
23 The trust 's strategy may include putting paintings and sculpture in public places to be enjoyed by people not used to going to art galleries .
24 The results of the computer run using the real sites showed a five-point alignment , which would be expected by chance only once in 250 runs .
25 The Scottish midfield of Gary McAllister , Paul McStay and John Collins was also thrusting forward in an unfettered way and the overall impression given was that Andy Goram , who had begun the game with an unblemished record at international level inside Ibrox , would not be bettered by Malta where Italy and Portugal had failed .
26 The rescuers had hoped to bring forty children back to the region to be fostered by families here .
27 Yet ironically , very often the hospitals provide a density of building on a particular site that would not be permitted by planners nowadays .
28 Many three-bedroomed houses occupied by single people or couples could be occupied by families now on the council 's waiting list , it says .
29 Lime ( to keep the pH near 6 and replace the calcium sold off in milk ) and basic slag ( to replace the phosphorus and other elements exported in animal bones ) can be applied by contractor relatively cheaply to all but the steepest fields .
30 Timber surrounds may be secured by screws straight through the timber , while built-up brick or stone surrounds will be secured by wall ties built into the construction .
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