Example sentences of "be [verb] by [noun] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 A plan approved by councillors in the Labour-run south London borough requires material issued by its fostering and adoption unit to be amended by June to affirm the eligibility of ‘ gay men and lesbians as foster carers/adopters ’ .
2 This difference in performance may be explained by factors related to the dictionary compilation process .
3 The decline in profitability can also be explained by factors relating to the nature of trade in the eurobond market between borrowers and intermediaries .
4 In the Phaedo , Socrates praises Anaxagoras for saying that the world must be explained by reference to mind , and then criticizes him for not acting on the principle that he recommends .
5 If , as I have argued , thought and consciousness irreducibly escape the net of physicalist interpretation , and if , as I have suggested , the external world must possess the mind-like property of generality if it is to be conceivable , then we can see that Socrates ' assertion in the Phaedo , that the world must be explained by reference to mind , was essentially correct .
6 We have also found that H pylori related hypergastrinaemia can not be explained by ammonia altering mucosal surface pH .
7 If theirs was the same college attended by Clare Mallender , that might be explained by Dysart recommending it to her at her father 's request .
8 ( It is harder to see why γ should help α to resist a challenge by Β ) If the alternative strategies are ‘ resist only challenges to oneself , and ‘ resist any challenge ’ , the latter would be favoured by selection provided that it was usually advantageous .
9 In the case of upshot , it is the illocutionary or perlocutionary force , what the speaker is trying to do with his or her words , which is made explicit , and this may be prefaced by utterances like : ‘ Are you trying to annoy me ? ’ or ‘ What 's the point of telling me this ? ’ or ‘ I was only trying to be friendly ’ .
10 He also claimed that high-end multi-processor and security features would be delayed by Novell concentrating on the desktop .
11 Mr Bent says the scheme should not be dismissed by farmers achieving high cereal gross margins , as the £121.20/ha ( £48.50/acre ) payment can be trebled by the refund of cereal co-responsibility levy on grain sold from this year 's harvest .
12 Although it is clear that the bars must be formed by waves breaking some distance offshore , certain details of the origin of the bars are far from clear .
13 Each exhibition proposal should be examined by Management to determine its value to the organization in terms of interpreting our activities .
15 Pinewood ‘ B ’ are top of division six , but can still be overhauled by second placed Pyestock ‘ L ’ .
16 Fifthly , deliberate addition irradiation of the stomach and duodenum with the doses that might be received by scatter lowers the incidence of duodenal lesions .
17 ‘ CT ST N T MT , ’ will soon be exposed by crossword buffs as ‘ The cat sat on the mat , ’ but place names are not so easily guessed by context .
18 Cohen says that even uranium mined from deep underground for nuclear fuel will , eventually , be exposed by erosion to release its cancer-causing radon gas into the atmosphere .
19 The general behaviour of a polymer can be typified by results obtained for an amorphous atactic polystyrene sample .
20 Cultural and social eons had passed , in effect , and William Titford himself , also an early Victorian , could never have predicted in his wildest nightmares that his death would be hastened by bombs dropping from the sky .
21 Further , the employment of an agent may be such as to give him an authority to contract on behalf of his principal generally with regard to a wider or narrower class of affairs ; and as between the principal and third parties such authority can not be limited by restrictions imposed by the principal , but not known to third parties .
22 In many sectors , large-scale reconstruction may be limited by failure to reach agreement on the necessary legislation , or by the problems of implementing such legislation .
23 Dr Alfred M. Bongiovanni , professor of paediatrics at the University of Pennsylvania , Philadelphia , told the American Academy of Paediatrics that once the growth hormone reaches the market , doctors might be pressured by parents to give the hormone to children who are slow developers .
24 The first question which must , therefore , be considered by doctors instructed for either party is whether there is a risk , and secondly , whether that is of SERIOUS deterioration .
25 This is a question which should probably be considered by sociolinguists working in cities with a demographic structure of the kind described .
26 The thought that the position of this find and others might be located by map using basic geometry is an intriguing one , but at least one tomb of a Knight Templar has been found to lay exactly on an important map intersection in the Rennes Valley .
27 The paramount mistake has been that the intelligence of the individual has been permitted to be clouded by childhood teaching to such an extent that he has been persuaded that the religious writings came from some other source which renders them inviolate .
28 Errors which can be reported by LSSTRT include the following :
29 Errors which can be reported by LSSTOP include :
30 There were no sustained views that stress — arising again in the main from discipline issues — could be alleviated by efforts directed at or close to its source .
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