Example sentences of "be [verb] to all the " in BNC.

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1 Cows to be milked twice a day , every day , water to be carried to all the cattle , fodder to drag to the high pastures , hay to be cut if the weather was benevolent , dry stone walls to be repaired after the ravages of winter , cows to be calved and ewes to be lambed ( usually in the middle of the night ) , horses to harness , drains to be dug … the list is endless .
2 For more information on what airbrushes and compressors would fit your needs , your best bet would be to write to all the well- known airbrush manufacturers for their catalogues .
3 Now going back to this handicraft , although I said I really did n't want to be committed to all the meetings , I 'm quite happy to carry on with the handicraft , providing you do n't expect me to turn up at every meeting .
4 If it works with melonoma it could be applied to all the other forms of cancer .
5 St Pierre Park staff were pleased to report that the new kitchen passed with flying colours , enabling the main course to be served to all the diners within 10 minutes of the plates going into the ovens .
6 It is true that he would have an answer to those claims because she was in desertion , but nevertheless he would be put to all the trouble , worry and expense of defending himself against them .
7 I understand that their proposal document — to be sent to all the cricketing nations within the next week — contains a personal message of support from the country 's biggest cricketing fan , the Prime Minister John Major .
8 Soviet writers tended to stress rather that , although this was not specified in the ZOPFAN declaration , it was clear from its ‘ context ’ that ‘ the zone of peace , freedom and neutrality should be extended to all the states of Southeast Asia and not only to the members of ASEAN ’ .
9 The author noted that the zone should be extended to all the states of Southeast Asia and raised the question of its full demilitarisation .
10 We would ask , because it 's not actually clear erm , what that means , that the report from regional delegate conferences could be forwarded to all the G M B representatives at the main workplaces so as to keep all our members fully informed of the proceedings er , say again , the er , Midland and East Coast are supporting the document .
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