Example sentences of "be [verb] to [noun] [that] " in BNC.

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1 Emphasis would be given to missiles that are simple to operate and cheap to produce in large quantities .
2 Should only be given to babies that can be observed easily in a room in which staff are always present .
3 With regard to powders , as a general rule cocoa should be added to mixtures that are to be cooked and drinking chocolate to foods , such as butter creams and icings , that will not be heated .
4 Apart from its direct interpretation , the TSP can also be applied to problems that have nothing to do with towns and salesmen .
5 To require all its new plants to be built to standards that will meet the regulations it can reasonably anticipate in the most environmentally demanding country in which it operates that process .
6 ‘ ICI will require all its new plants to be built to standards that will meet regulations it can reasonably anticipate in the most environmentally demanding country in which it operates that process . ’
7 It should not be tethered to subjects that do not interest it but like the whole organism , it must find what is its bent and true interest and follow that all its life .
8 This will cause the cut-off to be shifted to pulsatances that satisfy or which has solutions Again the negative solutions are not physically meaningful of course .
9 From this experiment , I would be inclined to belief that psychology should be predominantly an activity in which we use non-experimental methods for understanding people 's experiences in their own terms , taking into account the social context of those experiments , rather than an activity in which we transform common sense into scientific knowledge .
10 This approach could also be linked to reforms that require private sector companies to make over regular , but small parts of the total value of their capital to such a scheme .
11 A combination of government secrecy and collective responsibility ( the notion that an individual member must not disagree publicly with a Cabinet decision ) have made it difficult to discover the extent to which cabinets are genuinely collective decision-making bodies , but a succession of leaks and memoirs , such as Richard Crossman 's ( Crossman , 1975–7 ) , has built up a picture of a committee in which genuine debate tends to be restricted to issues that come to assume major political importance for the government .
12 In fact there was nothing ‘ reasonable ’ about it , and Bismarck knew this , for at the first whisper of Leopold 's appearance on the scene the French Ambassador had , officially , let it be known to Berlin that this candidacy would never be accepted by Napoleon III .
13 You will then be asked to rate that impression on an eight point scale rating from ‘ highly unfavourable impression ’ through to a ‘ highly favourable impression ’ .
14 It will be emphasised to employers that the purpose of the exercise is to provide opportunities for young people to learn about and through work and not to perform tasks which would otherwise be done by paid workers .
15 During the debate , I shall obviously be referring to matters that come within my hon. Friend 's remit , although I shall also be speaking about some of the important issues relating to regional economic and industrial policy which fall within the remit of the Department of Trade and Industry .
16 ‘ It may be suggested to customers that flour bags which can be washed and used again are better for this purpose than odd bits of paper , although an actual container is best of all .
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