Example sentences of "be [noun] with the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 There should be liaison with the staff of the museum , and especially with the museum education officer if there is one .
2 But so too may be identification with the other , as Charles Marowitz implies when he describes Genet 's The Blacks as a play which champions blacks ‘ not because they are socially downtrodden but because they personify two of [ Genet 's ] favourite types : The Rebellious Outcast and The Splendid Primitive …
3 Another factor was thought to be disillusionment with the country 's political leaders , with the internal rivalry between the two wings of Solidarity , as represented by Walesa and Mazowiecki , and with the acrimonious tone of a campaign which became increasingly personalized .
4 There can also be problems with the way the music is printed .
5 There would also be problems with the EC if more authority was devolved from Westminster to Brussels .
6 The decision as to whether a family will be started and how large it will be rests with the Parents to a greater extent than at any time in history .
7 Public opinion toward them varies from suspicion to hostility , and a major police problem would appear to be relations with the public .
8 But the chief issue turned out to be reunion with the Greeks , required by Emperor John VIII Palaeologus for political reasons .
9 The Good Book has taught us their image , they must be outcasts with the mark of Cain upon them , Ishmaels for whom the savage wilderness is home till they come to know the wisdom of the Lord .
10 There appeared to be satisfaction with the course progress , although there was concern expressed that further bonds might be needed .
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