Example sentences of "be [verb] [adv prt] in any " in BNC.

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1 Tom King , then Local Government Minister , announced that no further geological investigations would be carried out in any of the selected areas .
2 The cases can be carried out in any order and entirely selectively ( there is no ongoing storyline ) .
3 Indeed , for those interested in observational methods , it is hard to see how a longitudinal study of any magnitude could be carried out in any other way .
4 The communication of findings can be carried out in any manner which meets the performance criteria .
5 No more than 10 per cent of total investment to be tied up in any one company .
6 He put in a kitchen and he thought there was something funny about these people erm they did n't want to give him money up front for the fabric , you know , the woods and things and he was n't asking the full amount anyway and he said , you know , a things are very tight in business and I do not want to run up any more debts if you will let me have some of cash , some of the cash fo for the wood as soon as the wood 's delivered I 'll come and do the job , it 's not as though your money is going to be tied up in any way and there was a bit of a face pulling and saw this woman drop to , sort of , always hovering around always putting her motty in and erm when th when the job was nearly completed madam steps forward with the cries of that is n't quite right and that is n't quite right and Nev was putting hours doing nit-picking fussing about getting things absolutely perfect got it absolutely perfect but when it came to the final bill they knocked off six hundred because there was the tiniest little scratch on one of the panels !
7 A local authority may not cause the child to be brought up in any religious persuasion other than the one in which he would have been brought up if the order had not been made ( s33(6) ( a ) ) .
8 Well this is , this is where , this is , I mean this is one of the issues that has to be brought out in any discussions concerning partnership .
9 The character ca n't be woken up in any way during this time !
10 Tax administrators often see tax theory as a luxury to be indulged in in any odd moment they might have to look up from their files , while tax theorists tend to see the administration and practical aspects of taxation as an easily coped with minor irritant , or deviation , from their ‘ grand design ’ .
11 Does he not think that that could be improved on in any future , but hopefully never to be repeated accident ?
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