Example sentences of "be [verb] [to-vb] [prep] such " in BNC.

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1 But you may think me merely biased if I say that my own father could in many ways be considered to rank with such men , and that his career is the one I have always scrutinized for a definition of ‘ dignity ’ .
2 Out of a population of 8000 ‘ normal ’ men , 17.2 would be expected to die of such cancers .
3 Democracy might be expected to collapse under such pressure .
4 While the exclusion does not specifically refer to damage to underground pipes or cables , the above exclusions would be deemed to refer to such circumstances and therefore cover would only operate for damage to underground pipes and services when these exclusions are deleted .
5 ( d ) Offices and employments As a matter of prudence , agreement should be reached at an early stage in the life of any firm whose partners , or some of them , are likely to find themselves appointed to some professional or public office as to : ( 1 ) whether remuneration from such offices should in principle be accounted for as part of the profits of the firm ( Clause 10.06 ) ; and ( 2 ) the amount of time any partner should be permitted to devote to such activities ( before his profit share suffers some downward adjustment ) .
6 Many melodies of the last hundred years could not possibly be made to fit into such a restrictive rule — in fact many of us would avoid the feeling of regularity and ‘ squareness ’ that such a classical scheme produces .
7 How many secure fields will be needed to cope with such a rotation ?
8 To be condemned to live in such squalid conditions , even in these pre-war days , was an indictment against the City Corporation .
9 All kinds of political pressure can be brought to bear through such organisations as the UN , the G7 countries , or the Council of Europe .
10 Kate Bristow commented , ‘ It is a real privilege for ACET to be asked to work with such people as they look for ways to develop an effective strategy . ’
11 ‘ It was also very gratifying to be asked to work with such an enthusiastic curatorial staff and to place the Wedgwood exhibition in such a marvellous venue .
12 But the prosecution said conditions on the farms were horrific and appalling and no animal should be allowed to exist in such conditions .
13 Committees should be created to deal with such issues as housing and co-operatives , which would work with other radical groups and with individual members of the Irish Labour Party and trade-unionists .
14 Thus separate administrative departments might be established to deal with such matters as : ( 1 ) personnel ; ( 2 ) accountancy and finance ; ( 3 ) communications ; ( 4 ) property and maintenance ; ( 5 ) library ; ( 6 ) costs ( ie fee collection ) ; ( 7 ) administration ( office equipment , stationery supplies etc ) ; ( 8 ) public relations ( advertising , client care etc ) ; ( 9 ) professional standards ( and compliance generally , unless the volume of corporate and financial services work justifies a separate department for this ) ; ( 10 ) complaints .
15 Can the Government be held to blame for such claims as this — a Turkish Cypriot claiming asylum on the basis that her mother did not get on with her husband and was trying to break up her marriage ?
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