Example sentences of "be [verb] [adv] for [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Any group can make a bid and will be considered seriously , but assistance will be given only for one management — employee buy-out team per company .
2 Each concept is represented by a frame , which contains slots that may be filled differently for separate instances of the same concept .
3 Most beans need soaking ( preferably overnight ) before use , and all beans must be boiled rapidly for 10 minutes to destroy any toxins .
4 Standards should not be hidden away for internal use only , but should be clearly displayed at the point of service delivery .
5 The rate support grant was replaced by a block grant to be calculated separately for each authority , so a council which displeases the government , by failing to keep local expenditure within a limit determined at the centre , can be penalized by a reduction in grant .
6 The maximum speed attainable with each switching angle is simply the stepping rate at which the appropriate characteristic intersects the " load torque " line : The velocity profile during acceleration can be calculated Precisely for each switching angle using the graphical method described in Section 6.3 .
7 Engineers are devising a modular robot ( see picture ) comprising standard sections that can be joined together for specific applications .
8 There is a theoretical distinction between ( 1 ) a misspelling and ( 2 ) a mis-recognition , but the results from recognition will not enable us to distinguish between them , and indeed they can be treated similarly for attempted correction .
9 Tranquillizers should be prescribed only for short periods to help patients through crises where their levels of anxiety are such that their coping ability is grossly impaired .
10 Because individuals vary , their responses to the same stress or insult may also vary , which means that treatment has to be prescribed specifically for that patient .
11 Tyler recommended that pesticide tests be developed specially for hot countries .
12 Children of 4 years and upwards may be developed sufficiently for this technique to be effective .
13 Rather , it is due to a complex interplay of extrinsic and intrinsic factors , which are not unique to the tropics and which have to be resolved individually for any particular forest . ’
14 Equations ( 1 ) and ( 2 ) can be solved analytically for spherical impactors in an isothermal atmosphere if and C H are held constant .
15 The government is predicting real GNP growth of 7% this year , and Mr Choi will not be blamed even for such a ‘ disappointing ’ figure .
16 However , it might be that , at first , such tests should be set only in those subjects which constitute the ‘ core curriculum ’ to be instituted nationally for all schools .
17 We need to remember two fundamental points : language seems to be designed primarily for face-to-face interaction ( that is , the canonical situation of utterance ) ; and it is a capability of humans that they can mobilise discourse beyond this canonical situation and operate language free of contextual boundaries .
18 Acoustic combos might be designed specifically for acoustic guitar , but that does n't mean you can wave feedback farewell .
19 This kind of arrangement may be possible in the more flexible reports of major excavations now being planned , and will be a great advance on the old-fashioned set-piece type of report which seems to be designed only for those wanting to study particular types of artefact , rather than the history and significance of the site itself .
20 That ki , that kid should be fined though for that !
21 If it has happened in the past , it can happen in the future , and may be occurring now for all we know .
22 Could you tell me where I have gone wrong and why the formula has to be written differently for different software .
23 Software which is to be written specifically for this project should be written by an organization with a proven record of successful completion of similar work for publishers within the UK .
24 All countries that are committed to non-proliferation and all the signatories to the treaty must be prepared both for greater resources to go into the inspection process and to submit to greater surveillance .
25 The Labour Party has been making noises which suggest that things would be made easier for these schools , but I believe its welcome back would be a stab in the back for most of them . ’
26 The decision , however , will be that of the case doctor ‘ and must be made solely for clinical , not financial reasons ’ .
27 The public has to rely on the media but some presentations seem to be made more for dramatic effect than to provide unbiased information .
28 AS WE SEARCH the economic indicators for those green shoots of recovery , we should , perhaps be looking too for other signs to help restore confidence in a book world currently so high on gloom .
29 These taxes , to be imposed annually for three years , were intended both to raise revenue and to prevent the conversion of arable land to pasture .
30 He and the American senator greeted each other as old colleagues and they were to be seen together for much of the remainder of that day , laughing over reminiscences .
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