Example sentences of "be [verb] [prep] [art] way " in BNC.

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1 You know that I do not necessarily go along with your concept of visual character in the way that you use it , but would the visual character be altered in a way that would cause a coincidence of greenbelt function were that important hedge not in existence on the north side of D thirty nine ?
2 And since we are familiar with Poulantzas ' rejection of voluntarism , we shall assume that this in turn is to be explained in a way that avoids treating either individuals or classes as subjects .
3 Thus , consideration should be given to the way in which policy goals may be effectively translated into political and legal reality , based on both a realistic perception of the obstacles that have to be overcome and an accurate assessment of the contribution which lawyers and litigation may make in promoting desirable social change .
4 The examples used should be realistic and relevant to the pupils concerned Emphasis should also be given to the way in which percentages are used both for comparative purposes in many everyday situations and also as a numerical measure based on a 100-point scale of reference .
5 It is doubtful , however , whether section 46 of the Education ( No. 2 ) Act , which as shown above requires sex education to be given in a way that encourages pupils to have regard for ‘ moral considerations and the value of family life ’ , prohibits discussion of homosexuality .
6 In a long dissertation it might be justified as a way of helping your reader remember your starting point ; in a short essay , however , it is redundant and simply shows that you do n't know how to finish .
7 This claim has to be justified in a way which maintains the internal integrity of the process of educating students .
8 It 's the distance the axe is swung back ( without overdoing it ) that allows power and speed to be gathered on the way down to impact .
9 French farmers should be punished for the way they treated our sheep farmers .
10 Dependent conditionals are thus to be regarded in the way of the primitive conception or conceptions at the base of any logical system .
11 The question is whether in view of the power and the momentum of the Commission and the Court of Justice , it is still possible for similar barriers to be placed in the way of the incoming flood of EEC law .
12 The Bioscope explained that ‘ the public do not like to be treated in a way that seems to be distant or high-handed ’ and so the manager ‘ should go among his people and talk to them personally ’ and he should ‘ always appear ready and willing to consider a suggestion however trifling it may be ’ .
13 If the agency then acts differently it may be held to have acted unfairly and illegally , at least if it has not given the citizen a chance to make representations as to why he or she should be treated in the way expected .
14 University officers will be pleased to advise anyone considering this possibility on how such bequests can best be arranged in a way which will be of greatest benefit to present and future students .
15 It may seem curious that physics , on the face of it the most challenging and exciting of disciplines , a discipline whose discoveries have transformed the world we live in , should be taught in a way which demands little creativity or imagination .
16 To be plausible the authority should also be limited in the way ours is : a machine that appeared certain , in the teeth of all the evidence observable by us , that such and such a transistor was failing might well have given itself away precisely because it would lack the ‘ downwards ’ inscrutability that our inner workings have for us .
17 Once documented the data can be rearranged in a way that reveals how you can reorganize matters to give you more time .
18 No sooner had the announcement been made than it was withdrawn , pending deliberations by Lincolnshire County Council as to whether subsidisation could be considered as a way of continuance .
19 You will remember that he thought that contextual features might be considered in the way that general phonetic features are considered : sometimes , but not always relevant , and specifiable to variable degrees of delicacy for different purposes ( 2.2 .
20 For all these reasons , it is clear that attempted suicide should be discouraged as a way of coping .
21 Well I do want to come back in fact an and reassure er you that er in fact er we are very concerned about that and we spend a great deal of time talking about the A P C's erm statement policy of intent because it was intended to be modified in the way which we thought would and we spent quite a lot of time erm discussing and am re-amending the importance .
22 Third , from a sociological point of view , grief can not be contained in the way it once was .
23 Because their demands were nil , the Masai could be approached in a way which came close to the Colonial Service 's proclaimed ideal of disinterested benevolence .
24 For this reason and for reasons of space , the discussion here will be confined to the way in which the coins themselves can be used to reveal information about their date or mint .
25 He needed to be reminded of the way the world was arranged .
26 The recognition that the transnational practices in the culture-ideology sphere were seriously asymmetrical had to be addressed in a way that was not necessary for economic and political TNPs .
27 Whereas one would expect the lexicon to be organised in a way that facilitates the access of items , one would expect working memory to be organised in a way that facilitated the discrimination of competing hypotheses .
28 Whereas one would expect the lexicon to be organised in a way that facilitates the access of items , one would expect working memory to be organised in a way that facilitated the discrimination of competing hypotheses .
29 If this is so , how do societies come to be organised in the way they are ?
30 You can travel as many or as few miles as you wish , but remember every lock you pass through you 'll be tackling on the way back .
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