Example sentences of "be [verb] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Ideally , opioid dependent prisoners in custody should be stabilised with the right dose .
2 This might well be stabilised as the main course and result in the construction of a new delta segment , until the gradient advantage of the distributaries over it was nullified by the extent of the segment .
3 The value of praise in providing encouragement has to be blended with the instructional benefit that criticism can bring to the pupil .
4 For more on how these roles can be blended into a successful group , see Groups on page 77 and Teams on page 161 .
5 THE bitter tussle between Russia 's parliament and government appeared to be drawing to a close last night after preliminary approval was given to a compromise that would allow President Yeltsin 's administration to continue its reforms .
6 The era of the passive media consumer — or ‘ couch potato ’ — may be drawing to a close if they discoveries of the ingenious Media Lab at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology are any indication .
7 If your invalid parent is admitted , however , and payments of the attendance allowance is withdrawn , your invalid care allowance will have to be withdrawn at the same time , and you should immediately notify the Invalid Care Allowance Unit , Department of Health and Social Security , North Fylde Central Offices , Norcross , Blackpool FY5 3TA .
8 On Feb. 5 , 1991 , Secretary of State for Defence King announced that the United States nuclear submarine base at Holy Loch was to be closed and that the US F-111 bombers would be withdrawn from the Upper Heyford and Lakenheath bases [ see also p. 37704 ] .
9 ( 2 ) Soviet forces were to be withdrawn from the former East German territory by the end of 1994 and governed by a separate bilateral treaty [ see below ] .
10 Cash can be withdrawn from the usual Midland Bank , NatWest , and TSB machines .
11 I know of no authority for the proposition that an ordinary crime committed in the House of Commons would be withdrawn from the ordinary course of criminal justice .
12 In an address to the Lithuanian Supreme Council ( parliament ) on Feb. 16 to mark the anniversary of Lithuanian Independence Day in 1918 , President Vytautas Landsbergis made a demand for former Soviet armed forces to be withdrawn from the Russian enclave of Kaliningrad oblast ( region ) .
13 Russia had previously insisted that its troops could not be withdrawn from the Baltic states before 1997-99 because of the difficulties of housing returning servicemen .
14 My noble and learned Friend and my right hon. Friend made it clear that the green form scheme would not be withdrawn until a full , free , prompt , and convenient form of professional advice was available to every asylum seeker .
15 If no more than the contents of medium silt , fine silt or clay are required , aliquots may be withdrawn after the appropriate time intervals and the relative abundance calculated from differences in weights of suspension in each .
16 It was thought that many of the problems of criterion-referencing would be highlighted by the particular topics selected .
17 Of the 195 members of the Paris Academy of Sciences to be honored with an official eulogy before the Revolution of 1789 , at least twenty percent had received a Jesuit education .
18 In that year the secretary of the Society for the Relief of Persons Confined for Small Debts received a letter from Spencer Perceval the Prime Minster ( who was later to be assassinated by a bankrupt , John Bellingham ) to say that His Majesty had graciously given orders to present The Thatched House Society with £2,000 from his private purse .
19 These may be provoked by the lowered self esteem that many suffer as a result of teasing and criticism by peers , parents , and teachers .
20 Overall sound quality is good , without the dulling and squashing side effects that some products can produce ; pumping can be provoked in the hard ratio mode by extreme settings , but that 's only to be expected .
21 In addition , involvement of major neurovascular structures and bone can also be diagnosed with a high degree of accuracy .
22 But although it is such a widespread condition , endometriosis is often overlooked because it can only be diagnosed by a minor surgical procedure called laparoscopy ( the insertion of an illuminated instrument through a small incision in the abdomen ) and many suffers do have problems getting their GPs to refer them to a specialist who can do the these for them .
23 The former can be diagnosed by the above but -test pattern together with a unique order of occurrence of the related lexical items in Xs and other Ys :
24 Although a rare complication of minor surgery , the toxic shock syndrome may be diagnosed by the classical presentation of severe diarrhoea , rapid progression to a shock-like state , and development of a fine macular rash within hours of the surgical procedure .
25 Perinatal complications among babies born with an inherited predisposition towards schizophrenia may be implicated in the later manifestation of this disorder .
26 The principal arguments for a policy of CPD were advanced in the Brett-Jones Report of 1978 and although none could be refuted in a responsible way , it was not until 1 January 1981 that Regulations were made by the General Council of the RICS to make compulsory , and to regulate , members ' Continuing Professional Development .
27 Thus , for example , all versions of positivism which rely upon an exhaustive sources thesis might be refuted by the undoubted circumstance that criminal law incorporates and generates moral standards .
28 Here , the therapist is looking for maladaptive coping strategies which can be altered at a later date in homework assignments .
29 In addition , some painkillers are ruled out ( such as epidural ) , because they take too long to administer and take effect , so your plans for your birth may have to be altered at the last minute .
30 Recommended Assessment Procedures may be altered with the prior approval of the Council .
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