Example sentences of "be [verb] [prep] [noun sg] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 All or part of the investment can be withdrawn without notice or penalty , provided the minimum balance stays at £10,000 .
2 It was announced on Jan. 18 , 1990 , that the Iowa , together with its sister ship the New Jersey , was to be withdrawn from service after repairs had been completed [ see also p. 37178 ] .
3 During software development and integration , it is standard practice for software modules to be withdrawn from LIFESPAN and modified/tested in a local environment .
4 Men are unlikely to be divested of power and advantage without a struggle .
5 Her last visit ends a 17-year relationship with the town and celebrations will be tinged with sadness when she weighs anchor and sails off .
6 Mercedes SL can be provoked into oversteer if you cut the power in a bend ( above — but , with ASR traction control as fitted to test car , all that 's really on offer is artificially strong understeer ( right ) .
7 This was not a limitation in this analysis because endo-metriosis has to be diagnosed by laparoscopy or laparotomy .
8 The shape , style and content of these items can be altered at will as can their position but without ever reaching for scissors or glue .
9 The temperatures experienced by a mineral in the crust or mantle can be affected by heat flow from below while the pressure can be altered by loading and unloading of the crust above .
10 As bass notes were reproduced very weakly , the bass line was often attributed to the tuba , which had more higher-frequency harmonics ; these could be recognized on playback as constituting a ‘ bass line ’ .
11 Such blasphemers by the Mosaic law were to be stoned to death and for his part he could freely consent to it .
12 It will be helping with localisation and pushing it on Apple Computer Inc 's Power Book line .
13 It would actually be competing for development that Selby wants for its own population .
14 More than a museum devoted to one artist 's work ( like the Museum Picasso , or the Fundació Joan Miró ) , it will be competing for income and audiences with an increasing number of new museums in Barcelona : the stylish Centre d'Art Santa Mònica which cuts a dash on the tourist drag of the Ramblas ; a museum of contemporary art being designed by Richard Meier , to be squeezed into the dense Barri Gotic , as well as the National Museum of Catalan Art up on Montjuic , remodelled by Gae Aulenti , and currently under construction .
15 You wo n't be competing with video and music stores , but you will be a part of the information base of the high street .
16 The use of index numbers and special ratios should always be undertaken with care since they may contain hidden dangers if one does not know how they are compiled and , very often , how they are ‘ corrected ’ for a variety of reasons .
17 At least some of these can be explained by language or code interference between English and sign language ( e.g. difficulties with the passive voice — BSL has no passive ) .
18 To test whether crest size could be favoured by male and female mating preferences , we performed two manipulation experiments using realistic models made from mounted skins of three male and three female crested auklets of average appearance .
19 Consideration of gender , then , needs to be contextualized within class and ethnic divisions .
20 Next , if I were wise only to my own ends , I would certainly take such a subject as of itself might catch a clause , whereas this ’ — he is of course writing about the vexed question of erm Church government and the possible disappearance of episcopy — ‘ whereas this hath all the disadvantages on the contrary , and such a subject as the publishing whereof might be delayed at pleasure and time enough to pencil it over with the curious touches of art , even to the perfection of a faultless picture , whereas in this argument the not deferring it is of great moment to the good speeding .
21 It is a sector where the multinationals dominated , but had to be coerced into action that produced export gains but at the price of deepening the dependence not just in the main products , but also in key component suppliers .
22 Since the trial is unrehearsed , it requires a high standard of forensic ability on the part of the student ‘ counsel ’ ; and the proceedings should either be leavened by humour or present an intellectual problem of the ‘ whodunit ’ type .
23 The huge postbag on the subject from SHE 's readers shows us that the subject needs far more serious investigation , and can no longer be dismissed as fantasy or wishful thinking .
24 As we have seen , for some Foucault can apparently be dismissed with ease as merely the philosopher of discontinuity , a description which is hardly adequate ; for others , criticism takes the form that he simply relativizes history , but this is really no better , for history is itself a mode of demonstrating the relativity , temporariness , and temporality of phenomena .
25 Briefly , you may be dismissed for redundancy when one of the following events occurs or is expected to occur :
26 The essential elements of the political economic system are : first , that the Government is accountable to an electorate composed of all adult men and women and so liable , if the electorate judges unsatisfactory the account rendered , to be dismissed from office and replaced by another administration ; and secondly , that wages are determined by free collective bargaining in the labour market .
27 Leaders of the Church of England have also attacked the ‘ hardness ’ of the government , only to be dismissed in return as ‘ cuckoos ’ ( see below , p. 289 ) .
28 As a church do we put ourselves with Jesus on the side of people in need or do we allow ourselves to be paralysed by fear or the temptations of wealth and forget what we would rather not know ?
29 Will equal status be given to road and rail investment ?
30 Discussion of the Environmental Protection Bill will be dominated by the breaking-up of the Nature Conservancy Council and not enough attention will be given to pollution and genetically-manipulated organisms .
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