Example sentences of "be [verb] [adv] at a " in BNC.

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1 You might arrange for pay to be given out at a different time and check whether the trains are less crowded somewhat earlier in the afternoon .
2 The tail , when bitten , may then be broken off at a weak spot near the base , where there is a slight constriction .
3 Some settlement is likely to take place over a period after the trench has been filled , but this can be filled in at a later stage .
4 Thus children should be placed transracially at a very young age , so becoming ‘ white in all but skin colour ’ .
5 Through the provision of contracts on admission , and ongoing reviews of each resident 's career in the Home , difficulties might be ironed out at an early stage .
6 The snags can be ironed out at an early stage .
7 Maid service can normally be arranged locally at a supplement .
8 That , if need be , could be sorted out at a later date .
9 Waste will be sorted centrally at a waste stream sorting plant ; easily recyclable materials such as metals , glass and plastics will be sent to reprocessing plants in the region ; organic material will be composted and sold for fertiliser ; heat generated by the decomposing material will be used to warm ponds to farm prawns and crayfish , and gas will be sold to a local power-generating company .
10 Most guitarists have heard of the ‘ waxing ’ method of eliminating feedback , but unfortunately this is a difficult process to carry out at home as it involves dipping the whole pickup assembly into hot paraffin wax , which has to be carried out at a controlled temperature : too hot and the bobbins melt , too cold and the wax does n't penetrate the coil windings .
11 However , our descriptive task will be more difficult , as it involves dealing with greater complexity of variation than would be the case in more focused communities , and it has to be carried out at a very fine-grained level .
12 Reductions in support levels should be carried out at a pace that gives efficient farmers time to adjust and diversify .
13 AN analysis of organised crime by leading experts on Triads , the Mafia and Hell 's Angels is to be carried out at a conference next week .
14 Questioned , Swayne stated that the animal had been let out at approximately 9.30 on Saturday evening and was crying to be let in at a little before midnight .
15 Drake has chestnut head with distinctive broad-bordered green stripe , and at rest can be picked out at a distance by horizontal white line above wing and buffish yellow patch behind tail coverts .
16 It means that vital decisions have to be made quickly at an extremely difficult time for the mother , decisions which may have to be made from an ill-informed base .
17 How to crack down on increasing levels of vandalism and the emergence of street gangs in the area will be decided today at a special meeting of the council 's Police Liaison Committee .
18 In his view , there should be a clear test applied to ensure that the Community only does things which can not be done well at a national level .
19 The information from the assessment may be presented orally at a case conference or it may be presented in the form of a written report .
20 We were told that there would be a General 's inspection and the searchlight had to be turned on at a specified time , but when the great moment came we could not start the engine that drove the dynamo and darkness still prevailed .
21 the state of the premium trust funds , these are the sorts of consideration one would need to take into account , er a no doubt they would , they 'd need to be argued fully at a , at a later stage , but the only question here is , if your Lordship refers and there 's going to be some delay , well , erm , I was trying to think of an analogous case er and the case which went to the European court at the beginning of last year had consequences which were potentially far more profound than this case is , it was the Case concerned the application of equal pay principles to pensions
22 Reforming legislation was to be drawn up at an extraordinary PCT congress in 1991 .
23 Newly purchased pups should be dosed twice at an interval of 14 days .
24 Stocks and shares , on the other hand , are not very liquid since they can not be sold instantly at a guaranteed price .
25 These can only be sold off at a loss .
26 A SET of race ace Nigel Mansell 's tyres are to be sold off at an auction next month for Great Ormond Street Children 's Hospital in London .
27 Money for clients therefore should normally be handed over at a pre-arranged appointment in the office setting ( it is recognised that home helps may collect pensions for housebound elderly clients ) .
28 ‘ They will have their tails up and I do n't think we could be going there at a harder time .
29 So what I 'm saying is erm I happen to think that the A L O stuff is some of the most valuable stuff that we do , it 's really one of the main ways forward and if we just sit back and do nothing about it it 's gon na just be wiped out at a a swipe .
30 ‘ In this game you need people like Simon who can be called up at a moment 's notice . ’
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