Example sentences of "be [verb] [adv] for [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The French or Gallica roses are probably the oldest cultivated roses of European origin , and can arguably be traced back for 3,000 years .
2 It was much used in mediaeval times in Britain and , indeed , its use can be traced back for 3,000 years .
3 Any group can make a bid and will be considered seriously , but assistance will be given only for one management — employee buy-out team per company .
4 They must never be broken up for short-term gain .
5 Also the larger tablets can be broken up for small fish .
6 Should a main branch be broken off for some reason ( by vineyard machinery , for example ) , it is permissible to bring out a shoot half-way along the next branch to fill the gap .
7 Each concept is represented by a frame , which contains slots that may be filled differently for separate instances of the same concept .
8 Only one copy of Section 1 needs to be filled in , but ideally separate copies of Sections 2 , 3 and 4 should be filled in for each course taught in the appropriate field .
9 Most beans need soaking ( preferably overnight ) before use , and all beans must be boiled rapidly for 10 minutes to destroy any toxins .
10 Standards should not be hidden away for internal use only , but should be clearly displayed at the point of service delivery .
11 The rate support grant was replaced by a block grant to be calculated separately for each authority , so a council which displeases the government , by failing to keep local expenditure within a limit determined at the centre , can be penalized by a reduction in grant .
12 The maximum speed attainable with each switching angle is simply the stepping rate at which the appropriate characteristic intersects the " load torque " line : The velocity profile during acceleration can be calculated Precisely for each switching angle using the graphical method described in Section 6.3 .
13 Without pilots gaining experience at the lowest level , we will be shaping up for another chronic pilots shortage in a few years ' time .
14 In addition , there are also certain to be one or two early mistakes which will need rectifying , and plans to be mulled over for next spring 's display .
15 Engineers are devising a modular robot ( see picture ) comprising standard sections that can be joined together for specific applications .
16 There is a theoretical distinction between ( 1 ) a misspelling and ( 2 ) a mis-recognition , but the results from recognition will not enable us to distinguish between them , and indeed they can be treated similarly for attempted correction .
17 Tranquillizers should be prescribed only for short periods to help patients through crises where their levels of anxiety are such that their coping ability is grossly impaired .
18 Because individuals vary , their responses to the same stress or insult may also vary , which means that treatment has to be prescribed specifically for that patient .
19 Tyler recommended that pesticide tests be developed specially for hot countries .
20 Children of 4 years and upwards may be developed sufficiently for this technique to be effective .
21 Rather , it is due to a complex interplay of extrinsic and intrinsic factors , which are not unique to the tropics and which have to be resolved individually for any particular forest . ’
22 If footswitching could be sorted out for these then the covers and pub band scene could well be awash with Marshall S80s .
23 It would be reasonable to suppose that at this latitude the islands would be frozen in for most — if not all — of the year , and so they would , were it not for the Gulf Stream .
24 Equations ( 1 ) and ( 2 ) can be solved analytically for spherical impactors in an isothermal atmosphere if and C H are held constant .
25 The government is predicting real GNP growth of 7% this year , and Mr Choi will not be blamed even for such a ‘ disappointing ’ figure .
26 However , it might be that , at first , such tests should be set only in those subjects which constitute the ‘ core curriculum ’ to be instituted nationally for all schools .
27 They will be designed not for any particular proportion of the ability range but for all candidates whatever their ability relative to other candidates who are able to reach the standards required for the award of particular grades in each subject .
28 We need to remember two fundamental points : language seems to be designed primarily for face-to-face interaction ( that is , the canonical situation of utterance ) ; and it is a capability of humans that they can mobilise discourse beyond this canonical situation and operate language free of contextual boundaries .
29 Acoustic combos might be designed specifically for acoustic guitar , but that does n't mean you can wave feedback farewell .
30 This kind of arrangement may be possible in the more flexible reports of major excavations now being planned , and will be a great advance on the old-fashioned set-piece type of report which seems to be designed only for those wanting to study particular types of artefact , rather than the history and significance of the site itself .
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