Example sentences of "be [verb] [pron] to [art] " in BNC.

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1 The key seems to be shaping it to the particular client .
2 We are immensely proud to be bringing it to the UK for the first time .
3 All you would have to do would be to lead them to the smugglers ' rendezvous and supervise the action . ’
4 There are 10 very lucky readers who could be treating themselves to a hot , refreshing shower every morning .
5 Makes a change to be giving it to a real postman .
6 If she accepted this crazy proposal of his then she 'd be committing herself to a course of action that could be supremely dangerous to her .
7 Molesworth claimed that the House would not be committing itself to the larger scheme , nevertheless it was not in a mood for what George Bankes called an ‘ extensive scheme to enable Cabinet Ministers to entertain foreign visitors and their friends ’ .
8 Putting this point on a more theoretical level , the musical field and the class structure at any given moment , though clearly not unconnected , comprise different ‘ maps ’ of social/cultural space , and they can not be reduced one to the other ( see Williams 1981 ) .
9 ‘ Six months ago , we never thought she would ever achieve her ambition but , fingers crossed , I 'll soon be taking her to the school gates and she can sit in class with the other youngsters , just like she always wanted . ’
10 ‘ Will you be taking them to the maximum security wing , sir ? ’
11 This is partly because , for reasons to be discussed later , we shall be confining ourselves to a certain class of creative person , viz authors : it would therefore be presumptuous of us to extrapolate from our conclusions to other forms of originality .
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