Example sentences of "be [verb] [verb] on [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Despite the somewhat diffuse action , satisfactory sinusoidal oscillators can be formed based on Wien filters as explained in section 10.6 .
2 In the silence the sound of the sledge could be heard thudding on stones from one of the near fields .
3 Such a requirement , however , would not be compatible with those provisions if it had to be interpreted as precluding registration in the event that a secondary establishment or the centre for directing the operations of the vessel in the member state in which the vessel was to be registered acted on instructions from a decision-taking centre located in the member state of the principal establishment .
4 Coach trips will be targeted to come on market days and the council hopes to introduce special theme days based on Darlington 's history .
5 In addition , they will be expected to go on visits to their local Department of Social Security office , courts , industrial tribunal and other institutions that are relevant locally to the CAB clients .
6 Other things equal , the higher the rate of interest , the more individuals can be expected to economize on cash holdings .
7 This reflects the greater responsibility successful candidates might be expected to exercise on behalf of an employer .
8 Lord Donaldson implied , however , that solicitors who exercised their new rights of audience in these cases ought to be expected to concentrate on advocacy .
9 Thus the link would be expected to occur on average after R/2 , and the overflow record would also take an average of R/2tn locate ( or R if the start of the overflow track has to be found before the record search can begin ) .
10 Young Whizzquid and his City friends can not be expected to toil on Aunt Agatha 's behalf for nothing , and the spread between offer prices and bid — between what she puts in and what she could take out five minutes later — is around 6% .
11 Henceforth , no Legco member , either appointed or elected , would be permitted to sit on Exco , the body which served as a quasi-Cabinet .
12 Decisions still have to be made based on product profitability .
13 These should be built into a code of practice to meet standards and objectives drawn up by the Director General of Fair Trading , and this code should be made binding on members by the relevant trade associations .
14 In this study an effort will be made to focus on North Shields in terms of the OPCS-defined urban area , but where this is not possible it will be made clear just what space is being referred to .
15 This is acceptable in the textbook , and can even be made to work on audio , but it is more difficult when we can see real people in a real setting on video .
16 Ba pe was sacked from the Cabinet early in May : Aung San told the public that his Ministers ‘ enjoyed an untarnished reputation for incorruptibility and honesty of purpose [ and ] should not be made to suffer on account of anyone who strayed from the path ’ .
17 They are as agile as goats on their spindly legs , and can be seen grazing on cliff ledges which you would swear were inaccessible to anything without wings .
18 He could also be seen riding on Buddie 's back with a shiny red apple in each hand , and again walking beside Smallfry on the day she wore the big yellow roses in her hair .
19 Every Saturday and Sunday , on the dot of 8.30am , hordes of uniformed children of all ages can be seen converging on Hampton Court in Surrey .
20 The damselfly is a striking sight which can often be seen settling on trees and bushes lining the banks of fast , clear streams .
21 This again is not unique to Lescar , because there are similarly maimed figures to be seen sculpted on churches in the French Pyrenees .
22 Thus the young gallant should never ever be seen walking on foot , and should at all times carry funds enough ‘ for the expenses of a palanquin' which he should regard as ‘ the best of all conveyances ’ .
23 Thus drugs can be said to act on people and relax them ( 26 ) or bring them around ( 27 ) ; information can put some people in a favourable position with respect to others ( 28 ) ; and pointers can be seen as guiding people ( i.e. as somehow active or operative ) in the proper discharge of their duties .
24 He said : ‘ I 'm still employed by Chelsea and no matter what the manager has said , I 'll be wanting to play on Sunday .
25 Network file system will be configured to sit on top of NT for straight file transfers .
26 Prime Minister Brian Mulroney of Canada announced that Canadian development aid would be tied to progress on democratization and respect for human rights .
27 While wrinkles may be beginning to appear on Sun 's ONC — and the market waits on a fully-configured commercial DCE package — NobleNet is positioning itself to mop up the interim business , targeting developers with mixed proprietary and open architectures and non-communicating RPC 's .
28 It is the view of the C E C that all Labour councillors and all Labour Councils should be demanded to consult on reorganization , redundancy and redeployment and improving of services and I know that the national section secretary ,
29 Oh , there must be coming come on love , shut the door I 'm a bit dubious because of her
30 I think it would be good if these programs could be adapted to run on AppleMacs , and I am sure this would enlarge the market for them .
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