Example sentences of "be [verb] [verb] to the " in BNC.

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1 Now the torrents and viperish fury that fired ‘ Weld ’ have subsided , it looks like a battle that had to be waged to get to the next stage — the calm , healing shores and sanguine odes of ‘ Harvest Moon ’ .
2 The planning officer said they would be insisting that roller shutters should be painted according to the livery of the shop , particularly in conservation areas .
3 Homework should be differentiated according to the learners ' ability .
4 By then , however , such was the devastation of churches and church lands that although the York clergy granted a tenth , which was to be collected in two instalments during 1317 ( a delay eloquent of their difficulties ) , they successfully insisted on a revised valuation of their livings : instead of the tenth being levied on the 1291 valor , compiled before the Scottish war began , it was to be calculated according to the true current valuation of livings , a reduced level which endured for the rest of the Middle Ages .
5 This component needs to be calculated according to the excitation scheme being used .
6 With the results available , by using the actual difference in observed means , the probability that a change of given size might have been overlooked in the study can then be calculated according to the following formula :
7 Free places were to be replaced by special places : still open to competition , but with the added requirement that parents should nevertheless pay an approved fee , to be adjusted according to the means of the family .
8 The module duration of 20 , 40 or 80 hours is a notional design length and may be adjusted according to the capabilities and progress of the student .
9 Mustill LJ continued : The authorities can no longer live together and … the reason lies in a collision between two ideas , logically and morally sustainable in themselves , but mutually inconsistent , about whether the unforeseen consequences of a wrongful act should be punished according to the intent [ Cunningham ] or the consequences [ Mowatt ] .
10 These words can be re-grouped according to the syntactic categories of noun , verb , adjective and adverb .
11 The need for this clause was abrogated , however , with the passing of the SC Neronianum in AD 56 , for it provided that a legacy which was on technical grounds ( such as the one suggested ) invalid should be treated according to the interpretation applying to the most favourable kind of legacy , namely that per damnationem .
12 This should be particularly kept in mind when the patient to be treated belongs to the common people . "
13 The major attraction of a fully-fledged GIS is that it gives access to large volumes of cartographic and attribute data which can be manipulated according to the needs of the user and the flexibility of the system software .
14 He is contradicted by Valens , a second-century Sabinian , who says that the praetor or arbiter will decide what skill should be taught according to the age , state , nature , and ability of the beneficiary .
15 Both newly separating couples and already existing lone-parent families will be brought into the scheme , which means that existing maintenance orders will be re-assessed according to the formula .
16 The different financial intermediaries can be grouped according to the types of deposit taking and lending in which they specialize .
17 Some of the movements may be modified according to the patient 's abilities and limitations .
18 The objectives should therefore be modified according to the individual requirements of a student .
19 It concluded , ‘ On all questions relating to health , housing and education , the Labour Party can be trusted to attend to the interests of the women and the children ’ .
20 Kerrison , for example , claimed that ‘ On all questions relating to health , housing and education , the Labour Party can be trusted to attend to the interests of the women and children ’ .
21 New pathways , giving a different level of description by spanning existing constituent pathways , can be added according to the knowledge bases ' rules .
22 And perhaps secondly erm there is not a body of information which has been submitted to er this examination public which advises you in detail on the various issues that we think need to be addressed leading to the erm proposal occasions and I would have thought it would have been difficult for the panel to come to a a conclusion but I may be wrong on that .
23 The processes and technologies involved in aerobic waste treatment have been discussed by Best et al. ( 1985 ) and Forster and Johnston ( 1987 ) who point out that treatment plant must be designed according to the waste in question .
24 The employee 's claim was , however , effectively refused in the British Steel case because such benefits as might be expected to flow to the employer from refinements to the patented product had not ( yet ) materialised .
25 HEALTH AUTHORITIES will be expected to adhere to the ‘ firm ’ budgets they are to be given for patients ' drugs , Kenneth Clarke , Secretary of State for Health , said yesterday .
26 Mr W Doggart emphasised that tutors would be expected to adhere to the contents of the packs which would become official Institute precept and practice .
27 In general a failure to serve a committal order in due time would not be expected to lead to the quashing of the sentence of imprisonment .
28 How could Ezpeleta , a soldier-administrator well on in his seventies and now Captain General in Barcelona , be expected to appeal to the unemployed dockers , artisans , and cotton operatives , called by the French commander l'immense canaille de Barcelone , against an overwhelmingly superior French garrison ?
29 ‘ It is my belief that , without an honest money , Soviet citizens can not be expected to respond to the reforms , as they do not have a meaningful incentive , ’ said Mr Angell .
30 As far as this representative model is concerned procedural entitlements are viewed in purely instrumental terms , according to the contribution they may be expected to make to the accuracy of the underlying substantive policy judgments , and since no one has a right to a particular policy outcome , no one has aright either to any particular form of decision-making process .
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