Example sentences of "be [verb] [adj] to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 JS specifies that machinery such as that used for harvesting should be energy efficient , and that waste must be neutralised prior to disposal .
2 Occasionally , flights may be delayed due to circumstances beyond our control .
3 It is also acknowledged and agreed that I will perform my functions hereunder solely for the said parties and neither correspondence relating to the dispute nor any finding or award made by me as expert shall give rise to any right in favour of any person not a party hereto and any such correspondence and finding [ or award ] will be confidential to the said parties and will not be disclosed without my prior written consent , which I will not unreasonably withhold but which may be given subject to conditions .
4 The recommendation to the council from the borough engineer/borough architect 's and planning department was that approval should be given subject to access for heavy lorries being reviewed after three years .
5 In such an action , relief may be given pursuant to s 146(2) of the Law of Property Act 1925 .
6 The Proposing Transferor may ( save where a Transfer Notice is given or deemed to be given pursuant to paragraphs ( 7 ) – ( 10 ) of this Article ) within seven days of receipt of such notification revoke his Transfer Notice , provided that the Proposing Transferor shall in such circumstances be liable for the Auditors costs in certifying the Prescribed Price .
7 The Proposing Transferor may ( save where a Transfer Notice is given or deemed to be given pursuant to paragraphs ( 7 ) – ( 10 ) of this Article ) within seven days of receipt of such notification revoke his Transfer Notice , provided that the Proposing Transferor shall in such circumstances be liable for the Auditors costs in certifying the Prescribed Price .
8 The proposed development is to be situated next to Birch Spinney and Mawsley Marsh , SSSIs which feature an exceptional mixture of rare wildlife including flowers and herbs , and are one of the district 's last breeding grounds for snipe .
9 Longer-term factors favouring the US domestic market are the abolition of withholding tax and introduction of shelf registration ( which allow bonds to be registered prior to issuance , thus enabling flexibility in taking advantage of market opportunities ) .
10 In the event , Wesley Smith 's portrait WO N'T be hanging next to Sean Connery 's in an exhibition of Peter 's work now showing at the Link Centre .
11 Even if psychological or physical trauma are not causal , they can be associated with symptom severity and should be considered central to management .
12 The Family Health Services caravan , the Health Express , will be parked next to Sacriston Post Office all week offering general health information .
13 Where such a ‘ Healthcheck ’ is carried out , care should be taken to ensure that the report addressed to the client only that the client is made aware that it is not a comprehensive list of all matters to be addressed prior to sale and that implementation of recommendations does not necessarily mean that management should provide any warranties on the matter .
14 In any real case a variation of several hundred from the predicted value would be expected due to chance alone , while predictions based on the two methods do not differ by as much as one record in any file examined by the author .
15 For county court purposes interest should be claimed pursuant to s 69 of the County Courts Act , 1984 .
16 If such an allotment would be prohibited by foreign law , or would only be permitted subject to compliance with onerous filing or other obligations , the scheme can be modified in relation to the overseas shareholders in question by providing for the consideration securities to be allotted to an independent trustee who will then sell the securities and account to the shareholders with the net proceeds .
17 The day scheduled for 8th March had unfortunately to be cancelled due to lack of support .
18 The Festivals at Brighton , Blackpool and the West Country Big Top have had to be cancelled due to lack of sponsorship .
19 Last year 's event had to be cancelled due to problems with the course , forcing organisers to switch to a new two-lap route mainly off the road .
20 The shows are re-scheduled from the band 's last European tour when two Irish appearances had to be cancelled due to Kurt Cobain 's throat condition .
21 Identify the type of mark-up ( if any ) of the text which will be applied prior to capture :
22 However , this will be made subject to contract , and to the results of the " due diligence " exercise that the investors will undertake , as a result of which the offer may be modified .
23 Land which was sold could be made subject to restrictions and future development value could be reserved to the commission .
24 As Lord McNair explains , a number of diverse situations may be made subject to guarantee , including a permanent state of neutrality or demilitarisation , the observance of a peace settlement , or the territorial integrity of a certain territory .
25 No withdrawal of deposits may be made prior to maturity , save by closure of your TESSA , in which event Midland will transfer the funds to another interest bearing account and be obliged to deduct from your TESSA and to pay direct to the Inland Revenue , an amount equal to Basic Rate Income Tax prevailing at the date of closure on all interest accrued on your TESSA whether it has been withdrawn or not .
26 The purpose and remit of the panel should , therefore , be made explicit to colleges and it was recommended that this be addressed by colleges and the Council as part of staff development .
27 To recommend the principles which should guide teachers on how far and in what ways the model should be made explicit to pupils , to make them conscious of how language is used in a range of contexts .
28 We were asked to recommend a model of the English language as a basis for teacher training and professional discussion , and to consider how far and in what ways that model should be made explicit to pupils at various stages of education .
29 The problem for the teacher is how and in what contexts it should be made explicit to pupils .
30 The committee was established to recommend a model of how the English language ( whether spoken or written ) works , which would form a basis for teacher training and professional discussion of English teaching ; to recommend how and how far this model should be made explicit to pupils ; and to recommend what pupils should be taught and be expected to understand by the ages of 7 , 11 and 16 .
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