Example sentences of "with more [noun sg] [conj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ OK , ’ says I with more composure than a Confucian in a comfort station .
2 Moreover , there is no one in all Chung Kuo with more experience than the Marshal .
3 ‘ Ease up on the populace , creeps , ’ said I with more heroism than an entire Audi Murphy season .
4 Walks on the beach also need to be undertaken with more caution if the tides are unknown .
5 This would be an on-going promotional campaign along the lines of what we already do , but with more co-ordination and the addition of posters and a greater number of redesigned Promotional leaflets ( to replace existing ones ) .
6 ‘ OK , ’ said I with more determination than a sybarite in a sacristy .
7 Jenny laughed with more enthusiasm than the witticism merited .
8 Beautiful scenery , fresh air and good food , a chance to live the simple life , staying in accommodation with more character than a motel and more comfort than a tent .
9 A small , shallow valance approximately 15cm ( 6in ) deep , with more fullness than the curtains , would enhance the window 's appearance and would make very little difference to the light in the room .
10 ‘ It 's all about doing it better and with more style than the next man .
11 It went faster and with more noise than the roundabouts for little children with engines and ducks and bicycles fixed on .
12 Scientists discovered the atom vibrates with more regularity than the earth turns on its axis .
13 ‘ I did n't mean to , ’ said I , slipping into the first-person with more delicacy than a dog log in a dowager 's duffle bag .
14 If anything , he handled this crisis with more aplomb than the earlier one .
15 ‘ Do it now , ’ said I , with more authority than a gymnosophist in a lesbian love-dungeon .
16 ‘ Perhaps with more planning and a little more planning among the living these businesses would last longer . ’
17 Despite their far longer involvement in the Middle East , the members of the European Community felt inhibited from acting with more resolution than the United States .
18 In a way the sound reminds me of a small-bodied Gibson from the '30s or '40s , but with more volume and a clearer bass end .
19 In the long term seven people in ten will be drinking water with more nitrate than the European limit in the Anglian region and half those in , Severn Trent . ’
20 No Moslem could have greeted the sight of its medieval columns with more glee than the clapped-out crews of the TransaDeuche for , even though the place is a little less remote these days , it was still a pretty formidable achievement getting to it in a vehicle not really designed to leave the Left Bank .
21 Soon you will look both slimmer and younger , and will walk with more confidence because the exercises will improve your posture .
22 Forcing his useless legs to work he made his way to the bridge , awkwardly at first , hobbling , as if in some grotesque mimicry of his wife , then with more confidence as the blood began to flow , his muscles come alive again .
23 I enquired , with more dignity than a bandy-legged clog dancer at a Star Trek convention .
24 I walked into the bar with more finagle than a ferret in a tinker 's trouser .
25 ‘ Speak on , ’ said I with more encouragement than a Brahman temple dancer at a Brown Shirt 's bump supper .
26 Roger arrived at her elbow with more wine and a further introduction .
27 most West-Pacific NICs , by structural adjustments in their economies and controlling real wage levels , have been able to cope with external economic shocks more easily than other countries — with more intra-trade and an increasing share of the world 's fixed investment , economic prospects are generally regarded as sound by bankers ;
28 ‘ That guy back there was n't human , ’ I observed with more perspicacity than a panty-girdle pedlar at a Tupperware party .
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