Example sentences of "with the same [noun sg] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Using the following information about three government bonds with the same maturity date ( in 10 years ' time ) , calculate the spot yield for year 10 ( assuming annual coupon payments ) :
2 In the case of non-taxpayers , such as local authorities or companies with current or brought-forward tax losses , the discount rate is simply the rate for a loan with the same maturity period .
3 Regroup your substitution items into groups each with the same tone patters , and try each group again in the same frame to see if the items do in fact have the same tone pattern ( see right-hand column ) .
4 The theorem of minimum potential energy then applies , so that the actual strain energy in the mixture is less than or equal to that of any unequilibrated state of distortion with the same surface displacements .
5 A recent prospective study of high grade gastric lymphoma found that survival was similar in patients who underwent complete , incomplete , or no surgical therapy before chemotherapy and that the prognostic factors predicting survival were similar to those in patients with nodal lymphoma treated with the same chemotherapy regimen .
6 You have tried to reserve a module name with the same part number as an existing module .
7 JB : It seemed natural that two painters working in the same vicinity with the same painting outlooks should share a studio which we 've been doing now for , how long ?
8 The Prince missed it two years ago with the same back trouble .
9 This represents the packing density of the file , and is much more general than n or N used independently , as all files with the same packing density give the same results irrespective of the value of N and n .
10 Thus the following two processes with the same communication options ( and subsequent behaviours ) are equivalent : ( 2.13 ) unc The left hand process can SKIP to two options , one of which is a subset of the other .
11 I taunted him with the same lie Ursula used .
12 ‘ At the roundabout at the Southern end of the town there are three roads with the same road number .
13 And conversely , of course , contrast of meaning with the same word order :
14 Return to the lying position and repeat with the same el bow .
15 Delay times were rearranged for the consonant groups in the list for each trial so that particular consonant groups were not always associated with the same delay time .
16 With the same amp settings the low hum single coils sing with almost the character of a Gibson P90 .
17 4 Different strategies are often seen at work in children of different chronological ages but with the same reading age .
18 Profit diagrams can only be intelligibly drawn for strategies involving investments with the same expiry dates .
19 Figure 7.11 ( a ) shows the effect of purchasing both a put and a call with the same expiry dates and exercise prices on the same share .
20 lastly there are those portfolios which have all 4 types of option in a single class all with the same expiry date but with 3 different exercise prices , known as ‘ butterly ’ or ‘ sandwich ’ spreads .
21 The unknown compound is matched with a known compound with the same melting point .
22 ( b ) Express terms negative implied terms An express term in a lease generally excludes the possibility of the implication of a term dealing with the same subject matter as the implied term .
23 To simplify the dynamics of the model , it is usual to assume that the market situation in each period is the same : the same population of firms faces the same market demand with the same cost conditions in each period .
24 The methodology used here is a three-stage operation ; first , the binary raster files or single variable files ( SVFs ) are expanded into character form , compressed ( Held 1983 ) , and a row number added ; second , the files area is sorted by the row number so that all records with the same row number are contiguous in the file ; third , a count is made of all the rasters in each row which are simulated to be inside the required areas .
25 A copy of a module which is uniquely identified by its module issue number and is related to other versions with the same module name .
26 Fast writing speeds are possible with the same memory effect as on the truly flat terminal .
27 He returns to the same circumstances as before , to associate with the same peer group , and starts behaving the same way as before .
28 And it shows the easy but potentially dangerous slide from manageable credit purchases into a vicious circle of cash loans and increasing indebtedness — all with the same credit caller .
29 If , say , £400 seems the prudent limit for a particular borrower , but that borrower gets two or more separate cards with the same credit limit , he can use at least twice the amount of credit which has been judged ‘ safe ’ for him .
30 Members of some families harbour strains of H pylori with the same DNA fingerprint ( family K , three isolates ; family M , two isolates ) ; some harbour subtypes or strains with similar DNA fingerpritns ( family H , two isolates ) ; and some harbour different strains ( family B , three isolates ; family M , one isolate ) .
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