Example sentences of "with your [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Catch a shape with your static arm by pressing Fire when near .
2 A good packing routine for backpackers is to pack the sleeping bag and spare clothes in the bottom of the sack , then pack things like food and pans , padded by some of your clothing , with your spare pullover near the top .
3 She believes that with your practical experience at the sharp end in Europe you will be able to provide much needed ammunition to support her appeal which is to be submitted to the Commission and the Council of Ministers .
4 Yet another strategy is to put progress on ‘ hold ’ and stay with your current level of progress for a few weeks until you feel more accustomed to the level and better able to proceed .
5 Just complete the entry form below and return it — together with your minimum donation of £5 per entry pack — to Birthright , to arrive by May 18 , 1992 .
6 Believe me , it was all done with your best interests at heart .
7 At KLM , we 're always improving to keep pace with your higher level of expectations .
8 • Change your meal times to fit in with your delayed times of getting up and going to bed .
9 Gradgrind 's becoming an MP in Hard Times gives him further opportunity for satire : Parliament figures as ‘ the national cinder-heap ’ ( HT ii 11 ) where the MPs , ‘ the national dustmen ’ , get up ‘ a great many noisy little fights amongst themselves ’ ( HT ii 12 ) , and the image recurs in Our Mutual Friend when CD apostrophizes the nation 's legislators : ‘ My lords and gentlemen and honourable boards , when you in the course of your dust-shovelling and cinder-raking have piled up a mountain of pretentious failure , you must off with your honourable coats for the removal of it , and fall to work … or it will come rushing down and bury us alive ’ ( OMF iii 8 ) .
10 And yet will not be entreated to part with your sensual pleasures for your own salvation ? ’
11 I have passed your letter to the Administration Section of the Department for formal processing , however , I should like at this stage to thank you for your contribution to the work of Lothian Trading Standards Department , and wish you well with your future career at
12 ‘ When I was staying with your sainted mother in Siena , small hotel in Via dei Cappuccini , and we were just leaving , I handed a postcard to the hall porter to stamp and send to England .
13 To draw a pie chart you first need to convert the information you want to present into percentages ( as you did with your personal budget on page 148 ) .
14 She will present you with your personal bunch of keys and explain their uses .
15 You can , you can actually compare your actual performance on your short-term with your planned performance from your long-term .
16 With your long-term goal in mind , select a race on a date that allows you time to prepare thoroughly .
17 Repeat the exercise with your right leg in the air and your left leg bent on the floor .
18 You need to go mad with your right foot before unpleasant noises being to emanate from the front end .
19 Repeat this position over your left leg with your right arm over your head .
20 If you are not satisfied with your new car for any reason within 30 days or 1,000 miles , you may exchange it or have your money refunded .
21 You must learn to be aware not only of the degrees of concentration that are possible ( compare , for instance , your attention to the gripping climax of a movie with your first glances at the pages of the morning newspaper ) but also of the possibility of improving your own levels of concentration .
22 You can share these benefits by making an initial commitment for only four books from the list of over 140 titles that will come to you with your free volume of the CHAMBERS BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY .
23 Until the 22nd the Sun will be passing through the sign of Virgo and will be in total harmony with your natal Sun in Taurus .
24 If you are familiar with your local school of nursing then you can write directly either to the director of nurse education or to the tutor for postbasic education based at the school .
25 It is best to check with your local company for information about the services they offer .
26 Amaze us with your special recipe for New Zealand Lamb , and we 'll send you on the dream holiday of a lifetime
27 Create this directory as follows : replacing SYS$SYSDEVICE : [ LIFESPAN ] with your chosen location for the Installation Directory .
28 You must assign the system-wide logical SYS$LIFESPAN to this directory as follows : replacing SYS$SYSDEVICE : [ LIFESPAN ] with your chosen location for the Installation Directory .
29 Be sure that you are happy and satisfied with your manual system before computerising it .
30 I AM totally in agreement with your leading article on pedestrianisation in Darlington ( Echo March 31 ) .
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