Example sentences of "with it a [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Equally , the current trend of research councils to favour formal training , an important component of which for history will be computing and methodology , should bring with it a fuller measure of recognition of the skills acquired by the computer-using historian ( Denley 1990 ; Kruse 1991 ) .
2 In a way the actual liquidation brought with it a curious sense of relief .
3 What is more , the cultivation of the idea of emperorship brought with it a renewed interest in the rich sources of the Roman law .
4 Incorporation thus brings with it a useful device to facilitate borrowing , from both the company and the lender 's viewpoint .
5 This twofold emphasis upon religious consciousness and on the task of theology in the present brings with it a major shift in the understanding of the character of theological and doctrinal statements — a shift from the objective to the subjective pole , from the truth to be affirmed to the awareness and intention of the person or community affirming it .
6 The anthropologists ' work of reconstruction carries with it a major temptation , which is to try to show that every part of an exotic culture is coherent and consistent with all the other parts .
7 Increased life expectancy has brought with it a major burden ( the word is here used advisedly ) and responsibility in the care of those in an advanced state of mental and physical decline .
8 Because clearly an increase in in in the allocation sends a much stronger signal to potential investors and it carries with it a greater degree of certainty as far as the district council 's concerned , as far as potential investors are concerned .
9 At the same time there is now a more direct intervention in the nature of a school 's educational work through the introduction of the National Curriculum , bringing with it a greater concern for monitoring .
10 Thankfully , this mystic certainty brings with it a deepening understanding of the ways of our human mind .
11 There had been earlier moves towards international integration , but the 1950s saw a new impetus and with it a new school of thought emerging to claim that the sovereignty of the state was being eroded .
12 The shift of focus from the individual text to literature in general brought with it a new awareness of the different nature of different types of discourse about literature , and of the different ways of treating literature implied by them .
13 Instead , it was in western Europe that the mechanical clock first appeared and with it a new type of civilization based on the measurement of time .
14 Roy Porter maintains , however , that in the eighteenth century the growth of fashion brought with it a new standard of beauty which emphasized the artificial , so that many Georgians feared a civilization of facades .
15 Secondly , there is a fundamental connection between critical reasoning of this kind , and the idea that the process of higher education can bring with it a new level of intellectual freedom for the student .
16 The method of composition used by the painters brought with it a new element of ease and fluidity .
17 The 80s had arrived , and with it a new form of ‘ exercise ’ which caught on fast .
18 ‘ This latest project brings with it a new lease of life to a formerly run down area .
19 Where … as in a mature legal system , we have a system of rules which includes a rule of recognition so that the status of a rule as a member of the system now depends on whether it satisfies certain criteria provided by the rule of recognition , this brings with it a new application of the word ‘ exist ’ .
20 Despite a new relationship between philanthropy and the state being forged , and with it a new role for the voluntary social worker , there remained the old focus on family , home , and character .
21 Glen volunteered to supervise the distribution of his work in Persia , and to circulate with it a new edition of the Persian translation of the New Testament by Henry Martyn [ q.v . ] .
22 It brought with it a wrinkled piece of brown paper tumbling down the street .
23 The deconstruction of the old view of photography , as inexorably tied to " reality " , may bring with it a necessary sharpening of attention to the claims of all media representations .
24 In fact , that situation is even more confusing than it may seem from this account because a third cultural trauma , this time representing the change from cultivation ( of plants ) to herding and pastoralism also occurred and brought with it a great intensification , not of weaning as happened with cultivation , nor of the phallic mutilations which accompanied hunting , but of toilet-training .
25 For the purposes of this chapter , this question of chronology makes only one difference , and that is in assessing how long the two separate procedural regimes lasted ; how long therefore the use of a trust brought with it a distinct advantage compared with the use of a modal legacy .
26 Any synthetic chemical will carry with it a small percentage of undesirable substances which are not found in the essential oil .
27 You 'd recognize this if you are a driver and especially a driver who maybe has the opportunity of travelling long distance , now years ago when I was younger and perhaps some of you in the audience when you were younger , you could go from here to the South of England with no trouble , without a break and you 'd head on down the motorway and you , you 'd be alert and alive and er ready to meet up with all sorts of emergencies and you 'd drive quite well all the way down , non stop down the South of England , but if you 're like me now , when I get to Stafford on the motorway you 're beginning to feel as if you 've had enough and it 's difficult to try and keep your concentration as you used to years ago , and that 's how it can be in the truth sometimes , when we 've been with it a long time that , we grow older not only physically , but spiritually too we become very experienced in the truth and we become very sort of fat spiritually , we can live off of that fat ca n't we ?
28 As I was sending a copy of the new book to all those slimmers who were mentioned in the Complete Hip and Thigh Diet , I decided to include with it a second questionnaire .
29 The flamboyant ritual celebration of male bellicosity and the male collectivity among the Shavante appears to carry with it a corresponding devaluation of women , and indeed to be built upon it .
30 This latest presentational fiasco carries with it a perverse irony : it was that trickiest of time-honoured running sores , the cold climate allowance , which first brought Mr Major to public attention .
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