Example sentences of "with the [adv] [v-ing] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 More importantly , she continued to struggle with the increasingly demanding role of Mrs Hoffman .
2 To Adam Smith each trade had its " peculiar infirmity " , and the economist was familiar with the widely selling translation of the classic work by Bernard Ramazzini , De Morbis Artificum Diatriba , which added to the diagnostic list the question : " what occupation does he follow ? …
3 Robert Thomson , the union 's Scottish secretary , said the three north-east parliamentary constituencies — Kincardine and Deeside , Gordon and Banff and Buchan — were among the top five throughout the whole of Britain with the fastest rising levels of unemployment .
4 He looked up and stared at his audience with the slightly accusing look he used for classes of students .
5 Texas drove some beasts to New Orleans and after 1849 to California , but it was the promise of the great north-eastern market which urged ranchers to explore those long routes which have become part of the heroic romance of the ‘ Wild West ’ , linking the remote south-west with the slowly approaching railheads and through them with the giant transport centre of Chicago , whose stockyards were opened in 1865 .
6 The silence — for the sound of birds and sea adds up to silence as beautifully as we ever know it in the noisy world of today — together with the sweetly moving air , and the scents of thyme and bell heather and sun-warmed bracken , all combined to distil something very potent .
7 On Cullin 68 trout to 1lb 12ozs were reported with the best taking flies being , Mayfly , Golden Olive Bumble and Bibio .
8 Later , confronted with the ambiguously dominating Attwater who kings it over the natives on his atoll , one of them ‘ broke into a piece of the chorus of a comic song which he must have heard twenty years before in London : meaningless gibberish that , in that hour and place ’ , seemed hateful as a blasphemy : ‘ Hikey , pikey , crikey , fikey , chillinga — wallaba dory . ’
9 They were alone with the silently hurtling river and the great , gross wound it had made in this bank , curls of dark-red soil peeled back and rolling downhill , and a tangle of uprooted broom bushes .
10 Last year 's Benson & Hedges winners Lancashire , without the mercurial Akram , on tour with the Pakistanis , but with the ever improving DeFreitas will have their supporters keen to take the 8–1 on offer with Coomes and Dennis. , Hampshire , now able to welcome Malcolm Marshall back and as vice-captain , have the combined batting and bowling talent to make any opposition shudder .
11 Also she still hoped to rid herself of her burden , which had persisted in her despite Paul 's nightly penetrations and her own constant daily walking , as if that would shed it ; walking , as now , with the almost waddling gait of a heavily pregnant woman .
12 The only difference is that where the vaccine manufacturers use two strains of human flu viruses-one that grows well in hen 's eggs and the other with the currently circulating strain of flu virus so as to get the right antigens — the object in the latest work is to obtain a non-disease causing flu virus that will grow in humans but will also protect against the particular strain of wild type flu that is in circulation .
13 But the current flush in her cheeks had rather more to do with the boldly appraising way that Guido had just looked at her .
14 The articles opened with the comprehensively damning statement that the king ‘ is not sufficient to govern ’ because throughout his reign he had been led and governed by others who had given him evil counsel , to the dishonour of himself and the destruction of Holy Church and his people , and he had refused to provide any remedy , or to allow one to be made , when he was asked to do so by the great and wise men of his realm .
15 Management felt also that an automated process would not be able to cope with the rapidly evolving product range and with fundamental changes in product technology , such as the move from dual-in-line packaging to surface mount technology in printed circuit board production .
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