Example sentences of "with the [adj] [noun] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 It was n't it , thistle 's the Scottish one , it 's that round , the frown with the round head and
2 The girls said it was the room with the round window that faced down the town and that Eve could sit at the window and watch everyone and where they went and who they were with .
3 Yet every time he laughed and his grin dazzled her she flinched with the deep-rooted need that stabbed like a vengeful sword .
4 Burton was deep-chested , as strongly built as a Welsh pit-pony , but his very virtues — ‘ fearless ’ — and his total commitment probably threw him into impact tackles which , together with the grinding wear and tear of — the game , did his bones no favours .
5 In Western cooking such a mixture can add zing to almost anything from scrambled eggs to vegetables , soups , stews and sauces and poached or baked fruits , with the grateful advantage that the result will not taste as though you have succumbed to panic and thrown in a spoonful of curry powder .
6 And , as to the bereaved , their words glowed with the grateful confidence that their own worlds were still intact .
7 The time has come when the fact ought to be generally admitted that the amount of government … which is necessary to the welfare or even to the existence of a civilised community , can not permanently co-exist with the effective belief that deference to public opinion is in all cases the sole or the necessary basis of a democracy .
8 The founding of the White Lions dates back to the time of the bitter civil war with the Dark Elves when Caledor the First was recalled from hunting in Chrace to become the new Phoenix King .
9 Victoria was chatting to the patient , a good-looking raven-haired youth with the dark eyebrows and flashing black eyes of the typical Andalusian .
10 For a terrible moment , something flared in his heart and he felt an insidious tug at his mind : how would it be to enter that Realm , and talk with the Dark Lords and learn their secrets … ?
11 Unfortunately the orientation of the palazzo means that it gets very little sun to set it off ; this together with the dark paint and stonework , means it looks rather sombre .
12 The small piece of hedge , woven like a basket with the traditional hazel and willow , is now planted facing the harbour side for the benefit of photographers rather than at right angles to the bank .
13 He aligned himself with the traditional view that the Scriptures describe unseen things by the form of visible things so as to stimulate reason in cognitive understanding , itself a spiritual reality which is an image of full contemplative knowledge .
14 It is important to emphasize that the discussion thus far has been developed , and the above conclusions have been reached , within the framework of the traditional account , which rests upon certain crucial assumptions common not only to the writers connected with the traditional account but to certain others not connected with the tradition as well .
15 This had been floated in 1948 by the clothing establishment as a discreet gentleman 's fashion harking back to the golden days before ‘ socialism and formica ’ , but had been quickly coopted and camped up by the gay underground ; the more exaggerated aspects of this style caught the first Edwardians ' eye and , together with the Western Look that pervaded their favourite culture , American cowboy films , it formed the first youth style proper .
16 Geographically this territory is extremely varied , including Mediterranean , Atlantic and Channel coasts , the river valleys of northern France , of western Germany and of Burgundy , together with the western Alps and the mountains of central France .
17 Their world-view , expectations from life and even their emotional responses were reshaped by the challenge of Europe 's dominance , encounter with the western civilisation and absorption into an international economy .
18 The Networked Systems Group Marketing Organisation was also merged with the Worldwide Sales and Marketing Group .
19 Faced with the ubiquitous HVS or Extremely Severe descriptions , what was the next step in the quest for information ?
20 Iron salts were added to tonics with the vague justification that because haemoglobin contained iron , more dietary iron would somehow enrich the blood .
21 Special engineering activities suffered with the depressed aerospace and defence markets , profits falling from £14 million to £12 million .
22 With the depressed economy and appalling trade figures ( improved a little , one hopes , by a healthy Christmas ) , I was expecting doom and gloom as I did my recent rounds of the publishing houses .
23 In the final debate of the summit , leaders expressed solidarity with the absent Colombian and Peruvian leaders , while expressing the wish that democratic institutions should be restored as soon as possible in Peru .
24 With the unified Europe and excellent transport network now in place , the necessity for having a manufacturing plant in every country falls away .
25 However , a government statement issued at the end of a meeting with the Unified Movements and Fronts of Azawad on May 20 declared that both parties were convinced that the attack was the work of " unscrupulous and lawless " people .
26 In one she lay spread-eagled on the tiled floor on which Trueman had met his death , with the playful nymphs and shepherds entwining themselves around her .
27 That is why I should never have delivered up the opening pages of my long-worked novel to that ten-per-cent moron with the art-school mind and barrack-room mouth .
28 Soap operas , naturally , provided endless scope for companionship , both with the fictional characters and as a conversation topic with friends and at work .
29 But , but i i if , if you just started erm if you just started on , on sort of the second page of the directive with , with the twelve points if you just go through those , they are all fairly moderate .
30 I could n't wait to get to grips with the famous putter and was duly grateful that the Friday afternoon traffic was reasonably light , with fewer than usual kamikaze lorry drivers about .
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