Example sentences of "with [pn reflx] [prep] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 We do n't quite know what to do with ourselves at the moment .
2 They are not brethren , they are not underlings ; they are other nations , caught with ourselves in the net of life and time , fellow prisoners of the splendour and travail of the earth .
3 Freddie the Nark sat back in the cab , feeling very pleased with himself for the way he had handled such a tricky situation .
4 The question of what he was to do with himself for the rest of his life was never properly resolved in his mind or anyone else 's , which perhaps accounts for his periodic assaults on the whiskey bottle — what Minto called ‘ Warnie 's benders ’ .
5 Thereafter the truly experienced Phillips-watcher will know that he is to be found in the corner of the studio conducting a vehement argument with himself on the subject of whatever he just did n't tell you , and will shortly be sending an assistant back to pick up his hat .
6 For our purposes , the distinction could be that a diary is written at the time of the event , memoirs are a writer 's recollections of a particular period ( perhaps aided by diaries ) in which he was not necessarily the central character , while an autobiography is an attempt to give a systematic and chronological record of the author 's life , with himself at the centre of the story .
7 What he expected was to see the Labour Government driven into an election either by its own dissensions or by the action of the Liberals , and its consequent replacement by a Conservative administration , obviously with himself at the head .
8 And Malone is even managing to get in trouble with himself at the moment .
9 He could tell endless tales , normally with himself as the butt .
10 His film of Henry V , with himself as the rabble rousing monarch backed by a troupe of glittering British heavyweights , opens on October 6 .
11 Manson was so pleased with the ensuing panic that rippled through Hollywood after the murders were discovered that he organised another raid , this time with himself as the leader .
12 William Booth , a Methodist local preacher , began evangelical and rescue work in the East End of London in 1865 , and that eventually led , in 1878 to the first formation of the Salvation Army , with himself as the General in charge .
13 Hornblower is no more comfortable with himself as an admiral , commodore of a Baltic convoy , than he was as a junior captain .
14 The King , he decided , ‘ must wrestle with himself in a way he has never done before , and if he will let me , I will help him .
15 ( Poole 's recollection is that John had made the piece earlier , with himself in the role danced by Lionel Luyt , but there is no record of this .
16 Although her breathing became a little faster as she imagined this part of the scene , she did not become noticeably distressed in any way ; in fact she told me that she felt really pleased with herself for the way in which she had handled the situation .
17 She had debated long and hard with herself over the course she should take , and reaching the decision she had had n't been easy .
18 ‘ I was thinking if we could stop his cows from getting out of a field or save his hayricks when they were on fire , ’ said Heather , who loved reading stories and was always having make-believe adventures , with herself as the heroine .
19 Riborg showed her a photograph album , with herself by a fjord in a miniscule bikini .
20 Medical Referrals and other Referrals will therefore now be sent to Lothian Health Board with myself as the Contact Officer .
21 He does n't take rivalry with him off the competitive track , and at that time I considered him to be the Master with myself as the apprentice .
22 After a further telephone interview — this time with myself as the interviewee — for the Radio Times , it seemed I was finished .
23 Pye 's new robot programme started in January 1973 , with myself at the head .
24 if it was n't for your Dynamike I do n't know what I 'd do with myself of an evening .
25 I had to live with myself for the rest of my life .
26 General Galtieri 's release underlines the fact that the Argentine armed forces may have learned nothing and forgotten nothing , but , by dint of constant pressure on Argentina 's elected leaders , they have moved closer to their goal of rewriting history with themselves in the role of hero .
27 In a similar way , for homosexuals to organise as a group involves their coming to terms with themselves in the context of a society which has certain views as to what is " normal " and proper with respect to sexual behaviour .
28 ‘ Lets have an article updating the one by an NCT toddler about what to do with yourself through a week , ’ I said .
29 There have been some most tempting glimpses of it when you have become excited about a design or angry with yourself for a failure to meet your own high standards . ’
30 And finally , remember you have to live with yourself for the rest of your life : you only have to put up with your counterpart for a short time .
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