Example sentences of "with [det] [noun] than [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Wear the red lipstick , it will look better with that dress than the coral .
2 Such a tiny sovereign state with fewer inhabitants than the New York City Boroughs of Brooklyn and the Bronx combined .
3 Bottom last season with fewer points than a truncated triangle , the Middleton Tyas club now finds itself second , above Masham Reserves on goal difference .
4 The machine knows that if it plays B it will be vulnerable to a reply that will leave it with fewer points than the least it can get by choosing A .
5 The twenty-year-old sleeps with fewer interruptions than the thirty-six-year-old , and there is evidence that this increasing fitfulness in sleep continues throughout the lifespan , with sixty- six-year-olds sleeping more soundly than ninety-five-year olds .
6 Even with fewer guests than the park is able to cater for ( some 20,000 this week ; 35,000 are expected daily thereafter ) , the most popular rides such as Big Thunder Mountain and Star Tours had waits of an hour or more .
7 ECT increases the central nervous system 's turnover of norepinephrine , and does it more quickly with fewer side-effects than the tricyclic drugs .
8 Nothing would weigh more heavily with many Tories than the thought that what above all had led them to throw away the 1992 election was the way the positive values and achievements of the Thatcher years had been allowed , through loss of nerve , to be obscured .
9 ‘ OK , ’ says I with more composure than a Confucian in a comfort station .
10 Moreover , there is no one in all Chung Kuo with more experience than the Marshal .
11 ‘ Ease up on the populace , creeps , ’ said I with more heroism than an entire Audi Murphy season .
12 They walked on either side of me and talked to each other , jabbering utter nonsense as though it was all so important , and I , with more brains than the two of them put together and information of the most vital nature , could n't get a word out .
13 ‘ OK , ’ said I with more determination than a sybarite in a sacristy .
14 Jenny laughed with more enthusiasm than the witticism merited .
15 Beautiful scenery , fresh air and good food , a chance to live the simple life , staying in accommodation with more character than a motel and more comfort than a tent .
16 A small , shallow valance approximately 15cm ( 6in ) deep , with more fullness than the curtains , would enhance the window 's appearance and would make very little difference to the light in the room .
17 ‘ It 's all about doing it better and with more style than the next man .
18 It went faster and with more noise than the roundabouts for little children with engines and ducks and bicycles fixed on .
19 Scientists discovered the atom vibrates with more regularity than the earth turns on its axis .
20 ‘ I did n't mean to , ’ said I , slipping into the first-person with more delicacy than a dog log in a dowager 's duffle bag .
21 If anything , he handled this crisis with more aplomb than the earlier one .
22 ‘ Do it now , ’ said I , with more authority than a gymnosophist in a lesbian love-dungeon .
23 The data get to the ground-based supercomputers through the TDRSS relay satellites , which can cope with more data than the SDS .
24 Despite their far longer involvement in the Middle East , the members of the European Community felt inhibited from acting with more resolution than the United States .
25 In the long term seven people in ten will be drinking water with more nitrate than the European limit in the Anglian region and half those in , Severn Trent . ’
26 No Moslem could have greeted the sight of its medieval columns with more glee than the clapped-out crews of the TransaDeuche for , even though the place is a little less remote these days , it was still a pretty formidable achievement getting to it in a vehicle not really designed to leave the Left Bank .
27 For most of his career after discovering the similia principle , he was inundated with more patients than the average practitioner could have coped with .
28 I enquired , with more dignity than a bandy-legged clog dancer at a Star Trek convention .
29 I walked into the bar with more finagle than a ferret in a tinker 's trouser .
30 ‘ Speak on , ’ said I with more encouragement than a Brahman temple dancer at a Brown Shirt 's bump supper .
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