Example sentences of "with [pers pn] during the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 No , we had no accidents , the only one I had was er when I 'd been right to the top , with the other crane an and it was a long shop , and everyone had done with me during the morning , so I hoisted the crane up , pulled it in towards me and set myself going down the shop , put it in full speed .
2 ‘ Jesus , I hope it was n't that fellow who was canning peas in Peterborough with me during the summer .
3 ‘ Andy Gould , ’ I say , because — apart from everything else — Andy stayed with me during the summer , round about the time the card with my writing on it went missing .
4 Information is available about members of National Associations , where they are , what they do and how to get in touch with them during the course of business travels .
5 Information is available about members of National Associations , where they are , what they do and how to get in touch with them during the course of business travels .
6 There is no place , for example , where we can have a coffee-break with them during the morning .
7 Rome obviously had magistrates capable of dealing with the Greeks on proper diplomatic lines when she became involved with them during the conquest of southern Italy in the last decades of the fourth century .
8 They were on the ramparts with you during the battle .
9 You might have had three women in there with you during the night . ’
10 This fact could not be concealed any more than I could conceal , when a friend invited me to stay with her during the holidays in Yorkshire , that my parents could n't afford the train fare .
11 Becky enjoyed the new play despite a girl called Amanda giggling all the way through the first act and then refusing to hold a conversation with her during the interval .
12 Those who have worked with him during the time that he has been in his present post have come to admire the hard work , courage and assiduity with which he has pursued the object of bringing the parties within the island of Ireland to sit down with the British Government and resolve their differences .
13 He had , he used to have one boy with him during the war Brassy he now lives at Ely .
14 He reported that Marlon Brando refused to play scenes with him during the shooting of Mutiny on the Bounty , although it 's never been quite clear if this story is n't perhaps just a bit of blarney from the Irish hellraiser .
15 Atkins and the other man who had been with him during the doorstep confrontation on Boxing Night were waiting .
16 But I do n't know whether it 's cold with it during the winter or not I know but
17 The naan bread was big ; we 'd both stuffed ourselves with it during the meal but it was still big .
18 Now , we 've got quite a long list , colleagues , of , er , members of the European Parliament and members of Parliament who will be with us during the course of the week for for short stays er Euro European MPs first , er Linden , Cheshire West secretary of the European P L P Steven , Durham , deputy leader of the European P L P Hugh , Strathclyde West Barry , Yorkshire West and from the G M B parliamentary group , er , these MPs may only be present for short periods Nicholas , Newcastle-upon-Tyne East Doug , Newcastle-upon-Tyne North Gerald , George , Hamilton Clive Hammersmith and Giles who 's drawn the short straw , who 's going to give us an address this morning .
19 We have already initiated contacts with Her Majesty 's Inspectors of Schools , education authorities , Scottish Enterprise , Highlands and Islands Enterprise , and the Scottish Further Education Unit , which will be closely involved with us during the pilot .
20 The guillemots and seals were to remain with us during the whole of our stay , providing a continuous source of interest .
21 They would spend the whole of the next four months with us during the time it took to turn us into legionnaires .
22 David and Catherine shared with us during the evening service on December 29th , and explained how God had led David from being a car mechanic into the mission field in Brazil .
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