Example sentences of "with [art] same [noun sg] as " in BNC.

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1 The Sparcserver 10 introduces a compact new version of the desktop pizza box enclosure : by lowering the bottom of the pizza box a few millimetres and stacking MBus and SBus expansion slots , SMCC engineers have created a more powerful desktop server with the same footprint as the Sparcserver 2 but with up to five times the applications throughput , five times the memory capacity , double the disk storage and 25% more expansion capacity .
2 A representative from Channel 7 visited this office in September with the same story as your article described , following a very aggressive sales pitch during a telephone call the previous week from the UK .
3 When this apprenticeship ended , on 11 March 1749 , he remained with the same firm as a clerk .
4 We generalise the quasi-Lorenz system by introducing an injected amplitude y with the same scaling as x , but assumed real and positive , while x and p are now complex , in general , because of the detuning is and the mistuning ( which we scale to I " ) .
5 The past by its nature is only indirectly available to us ; we can not enter it with the same immediacy as the present .
6 In vitro , the α-truncated RNA polymerases alone recognize three different promoters with the same hierarchy as wild-type RNA polymerase
7 Using this technique , we have shown that the α-truncated RNA polymerases do recognize strong promoters with the same hierarchy as wild-type enzyme , albeit with a somewhat lower affinity .
8 T. H. Marshall , in his book on social policy , has an opening chapter with the same title as this one .
9 These proposals were not adopted , they were seldom referred to although in the USA much physical geography did not develop in geography departments , but exactly 50 years later a paper with the same title as Barrows 's ( Chorley , 1973 ) sought to examine the extent to which the ecological approach to geography provided a unifying link between the human and physical sides of the subject .
10 External stress caused by unemployment , debts and poor housing were also mentioned but not with the same frequency as issues concerned with the parent/child relationship .
11 The halteres vibrate during flight with the same frequency as the wings but in opposite phase and , by virtue of the relatively heavy terminal knob , they function as gyroscopic organs .
12 When a beam of light strikes the atoms or molecules of the medium , the electrons are perturbed or displaced and oscillate about their equilibrium positions with the same frequency as the exciting beam .
13 This produces a strain oscillating with the same frequency as , but out of phase with , the stress .
14 The application of a sinusoidal stress to a Maxwell element produces a strain with the same frequency as , but out of phase with , the stress .
15 Within one sub-range the pendulum bob moves on an elliptical orbit , with principal axes in the x- and y-directions , with the same frequency as the drive .
16 Although the worst had almost happened , namely he had been threatened with the same fate as Jesus , he did not falter from the task of planting the church in Jerusalem and then in regions beyond .
17 Nivelle 's campaign in Champagne opened on 19 April and met with the same fate as most earlier attacks : some 120,000 Frenchmen fell before the German machine-guns and by the day 's end an advance of only 550m/600yds had been made , in tragic contrast to Nivelle 's expected g.6km/6mls .
18 She halfexpected to find Griselda 's body , guessing that it might have met with the same fate as Melusina .
19 ‘ We do n't approach the law changes with the same motivation as the Southern Hemisphere nations ’ , he said .
20 Ms Harman also claimed the Conservatives had ‘ ruthlessly fiddled the NHS waiting list figures with the same ruthlessness as they fiddled the unemployment figures , ’ and had created a two-tier health service .
21 But already there were signs that the mood was changing , that to the people all uniforms were alike ; the Army was now being tarred with the same brush as the Tans , and its patrols — as his own men had recently learned — were no longer immune from IRA attacks .
22 You 've made it very clear that you think I 'm tarred with the same brush as William and that 's fine by me !
23 A primary statement should be presented , with the same prominence as the other primary statements , showing the total of recognised gains and losses and its components .
24 It behoves all who wish journalists and broadcasters to enjoy " rights " to acknowledge that others have valid claims to legal protection as well — to lead a private life , to undergo a trial free from sensational prejudice , and to have false accusations corrected with the same prominence as they are made .
25 In the 1970s , genetic engineering made it possible to clone human insulin genes in micro-organisms which secreted insulin with the same structure as natural human material .
26 District and county councils have given the scheme their full support and hope the programme will meet with the same success as Darlington 's pioneering Railside Revival scheme .
27 They are hoping the programme will meet with the same success as Darlington 's pioneering Railside Revival scheme .
28 Ben and Viz received equal attention , while dear old Dickens was approached with the same enthusiasm as a postman views a front gate marked ‘ Beware Of The Large , Fierce And Probably Rabid Dog . ’
29 Rose , with the same tact as she had brought them to the house , was careful to absent herself from these occasions as much as possible .
30 The waiter arrived with the third bottle of Valpolicella and Urquhart poured himself a glass with the same relish as if it were his first .
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