Example sentences of "with [art] first [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 We begin with the first type of study .
2 He said : ‘ The new season does not start until October but we will be holding our own practice matches before then , starting with the first event on 17 June at the big pool at Barlaston .
3 After a week in Lerwick the work there and the night life began to lose its attraction and with the first lull in the weather we poked our nose out of the north end of Bressay Sound — and wished we had not .
4 Ben capped this with the first ascent of the roof right of Psycho .
5 Also , while I have the chance , could I point out that in spite of the FRCC guide crediting me with the first ascent of the bolt ladder route named Fiery Cross ( Dry Grasp ) on Upper Falcon Crag , it has nothing to do with me or B. Henderson , listed as my second .
6 With the first issue of Time Out finished , Elliott went back to It .
7 The reduction in ozone concentration at altitudes between 12 and 25 km ( figure 6.6 ) begins with the first sunlight of the Antarctic spring in late August and is greatest through September and October .
8 He was rewarded with the first Presidency of the BDDA and was reelected for a total period of twenty-eight years .
9 Comparison of ‘ To Lucinda ’ with the first publication of ‘ The Rural Maid 's Reflexions ’ shows that Browne , for whatever reason , changed at least one title , though he may have been returning to the original .
10 The period of time when acceptance becomes possible seems to link in with the first anniversary of events .
11 United States President Bush paid a one-day visit to Prague on Nov. 17 , coinciding with the first anniversary of the start of the " Velvet Revolution " which had overthrown communist rule .
12 First-half turnover was down compared with the first half of 1991-92 to $171.1m from $196m , although the company says revenues were constant , given comparable structures .
13 Gael , who is not religious , holds only with the first half of the double limerick according to which existence depends on being the object of another 's perception .
14 All this has resulted in our profit for the Division being significantly higher in the second half compared with the first half of the year .
15 Thereupon Malone exercised his right of direct access under the Convention , with the first question for the European Court being whether the administrative arrangements in Britain ( which restrict privacy ) were ‘ in accordance with law ’ .
16 Because of the chemical affinity of G for C ( and of C for G ) , one of these molecules will pair , as shown in the figure , with the first codon on the message .
17 At the back of its main carapace , at the junction with the first segment of its abdomen , there is an opening to an air chamber , lined with moist puckered skin , through which the crab absorbs oxygen .
18 I 'd not done an adaptation before and my fears grew with the first reading of the book , simply because of the enormity of the task . ’
19 Furious but civil , he had offered to go round to her flat to see her , an offer which she had declined with the first sign of decisiveness she had been heard to display .
20 He paused , his blue eyes glinting with the first sign of malice he had shown .
21 I hand initially intended to start this column with the first sentence of what is now its second paragraph , but felt it would amusingly underscore the premise of the piece — the ubiquity and infinite adaptability of Magritte 's once exclusively surrealist insights — were it to open thus .
22 This explains the difficulty with the first sentence in ( 30 ) , for example , repeated here as ( 57 ) : ( 57 ) Eddy will present the cheque to the winner happy happy can hardly be anything but non-restrictive here by the sense of the situation , but the corresponding requirement of form is not matched by ( 57 ) ; hence the clear perception that the result is ungrammatical .
23 To catch up with the first part of the competition , the August issue can be obtained from our Back Issues Service , see p51 .
24 This particular exercise can be done in many ways , always up to time , always with the first part of the sentence unchanged , although the second part is different :
25 Goldman 's prime input was his suggestion that the film should end with the first part of the book , before Papillon arrives in Venezuela and settles down .
26 I agree with the first part of what my hon. Friend has said : nuclear power certainly makes a valuable contribution to the environment by curbing carbon dioxide emissions .
27 I dealt with the first part of the hon. Lady 's question in reply to the right hon. Member for Yeovil ( Mr. Ashdown ) .
28 She then immediately switches back to Creole to " link up " with the first part of her turn .
29 Bangor 's new coach Duncan Dysart was happy enough with the first sight of his charges last week and he will have a good opportunity to identify some grey areas when they make the trip to a high-scoring City of Derry tomorrow .
30 Ethnicity is not , however , always marked by linguistic distinctiveness , Labov 's work with Italian and Jewish speakers in New York City shows that such distinctiveness may persist for several generations , or conversely may disappear with the first generation of native-born speakers who nevertheless maintain a strong sense of ethnicity ( Labov 1972b : 281 ) .
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