Example sentences of "with [adj] [noun] [verb] over " in BNC.

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1 A lorry rolled past us along the road , its crumbling body bright with painted pictures plastered over with dust .
2 It is the detailed , etched pictures that really tell the tale ; the text serves to reinforce the story but suggests rather than dictates the plot , with different monkeys taking over as narrator .
3 He was a big man of about forty , with dark hair flopping over his forehead ; his eyes were dark too , strangely wide and clear like a child 's ; and his face was as familiar to her as Adam 's .
4 Grouse " potted whole , stowed singly into pots with clarified butter poured over " as described by Professor Saintsbury ( the old boy did n't miss much ) are infinitely enticing , exceedingly extravagant with butter and not very practical for these days , but you can make one young cooked grouse or partridge go a very long way by the simple method of chopping the flesh , freed from all skin and sinew with about one quarter of its weight in mild , rather fat , cooked ham .
5 Spitefulness , mental cruelty and crimes of violence are all to do with negative emotions spilling over .
6 On bad days he was frantic , with black bristles sprouting over his face , screaming shrilly so that he was quite incomprehensible .
7 Branson and McLaren stood side by side on the upper deck , incongruous partners in crime , the contrast almost comical — McLaren in drainpipes , Branson with shoulder-length hair tumbling over a multi-coloured sweater of Hobbit-like cosiness .
8 In these , males are much larger than females and take much longer to sexually mature - perhaps the result of the increased time spent in competition with other males to take over a group of females .
9 Her differences with other Commonwealth states over economic sanctions in South Africa did not prevent collaboration with them on other issues , notably in maintaining a boycott of cultural and sporting links with South Africa under the Gleneagles agreement , which the British government faithfully observed .
10 The Ministry of Labour and Government Administration , previously held by Tove Strand Gerhardsen , was split into two , with Gunnar Berge taking over the new Ministry of Local Government and Labour and Oddny Alexandersen the Ministry of Government Administration .
11 With bad blood carried over from last year 's clash between the two sides which saw Eric Rush retire from the fray with a broken wrist , the portents were not good .
12 A long-line jacket with tapered trousers skims over any figure flaws .
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