Example sentences of "with [art] few [noun pl] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 Her suitcase was still sitting on the bed , with the few clothes and belongings she had brought with her piled into it .
2 Incremental programming will be involved , starting with a few rules and , as more expertise is added , the ES gets bigger and performs better .
3 With a few whacks and some loud whistles , they drive the donkeys out of the enclosure .
4 Still , he prepared her cigarettes for her at least , filling a saucer with a few butts and plenty of ash .
5 So , even if you have to cope with a few tears and sulks , do n't let them get you down .
6 And now , to cap it all , poor Byford had to be the first army victim of the latest IRA tactic — Flying Columns-compact bands armed only with a few rifles and automatic pistols , moving soundlessly at night along country lanes on foot or on bicycles , and waiting behind roadside hedges — waiting for hours , days if necessary — for a patrol to come along .
7 A few years ago — before 1986 — I was at a party with a few friends and we met some people who used to be in athletics .
8 Now it is only a small island with a few houses and the great cathedral with its accompanying church , S. Fosca .
9 fix it firmly at the vase with a few stitches or a spot of glue and pull it round the ‘ neck ’ by winding a thread round it ( you 'll have a few small folds here ) .
10 In Latin America , Africa , and Asia , peasants might make a similar journey to market with a few chickens or other stock and produce if the fare were low enough to leave some profit .
11 Candida set about improving Sara 's still boyish figure with a few handkerchiefs and pins .
12 I HAVE had sex with a few girls but I do n't think that they found this experience very satisfying .
13 Though separated from his Guard , Napoleon apparently remained in company with Soult , Bertrand and Drouot who , together with a few officers and an escort , were seen at Quatre Bras at 1 a.m. on 19 June .
14 To return to the offending nettle ( Urtica dioica ) or , it too had its uses : Martin Martin noted that in Skye ‘ the tops of nettles , chopped small , and mixed with a few whites or raw eggs , applied to the forehead and temples by way of a frontel , is used to procure sleep ’ .
15 It is possible to start off with the simplest possible system with a few reports and then add to it as new requirements are uncovered .
16 As soon as the removal van is spotted by a neighbourhood group member , the new family is welcomed into the area with a few pastries and an offer of practical help .
17 I was really touched when all the McCarthys drove up with a few bits and pieces .
18 Booksellers also tend to prefer not to be associated exclusively with a few authorities or institutions , so that they themselves are less vulnerable to any changes in those libraries ' policies .
19 Later , when I returned to the old man , I found him alone with a few boys and the American film .
20 It 's been toyed with a few times but as far I 'm aware , this is probably the first serious attempt — certainly at the sort of scale we 're talking of — to use a perched beach to provide coastal protection .
21 The marshal 's favoured plan — Susan gathered — was that she should B into Daine 's Dream , as herself but with a few improvements and then rip the sub-universe apart until she found the fugitive and could tase him awake .
22 She liked the mixing of ages , she even liked a little friction , and friction there would be : Ivan Warner alone was usually enough to raise the temperature of any social gathering to conflagration point , and Ivan in conjunction with Charles 's Fleet Street friends and television moguls , with a few publishers and poets and novelists , with an actress or two , with a clutch of psychologists and psychotherapists and art historians and civil servants and lawyers and extremely quarrelsome politicians , would surely manage to set the place on fire ?
23 The number of flowers that can be used for the golden theme is quite large : you could choose something very simple , such as a small spray of yellow roses with a few of their own leaves and buds , or something more complicated , such as a mixture of yellow roses , mimosa , potentillas and narcissi , with a few primroses and primulas to give extra detail .
24 So why could Dr Neil , with a few words and a sidelong look , lance her indignation so easily , compel her to reassess herself and life ?
25 Before studying the procedures described further on , it will be helpful to be familiar with a few facts and suggestions for making personal " rules of thumb " and simplified tables as aids to mental calculations .
26 At all sites at which there have been landings , manned or otherwise , the lunar surface is almost entirely blanketed in fine dust , with a few stones and boulders here and there .
27 ‘ Like Dorigo and Stuart Pearce , I like to weigh in with a few goals and in pre-season I joked with the lads that I 'd get 15 this year .
28 Norman also got up and down from another bunker for a 69 and 277 , spending the next 30 minutes waiting , watching and keeping himself loose with a few twists and turns for the play-off that never happened .
29 I escaped with a few scars and I have no doubt that my greatest support was the knowledge that I was n't economically dependent on my family .
30 with a few banners and some leaflets
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