Example sentences of "with [art] [noun pl] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 For most schools , there is nothing new about this thinking : TVEI has already made them familiar with the concepts of cross-curricular dimensions ( such as equal opportunities , independent learning ) skills and competences ( such as literacy , oracy , numeracy , computer literacy , and the less obvious visual literacy ) and themes ( such as health education , careers education and guidance , environmental and economic education and — increasingly — citizenship ) .
2 This stance fits very oddly indeed with the deeply buried core values of Marx 's thought , especially with the concepts of human nature which he drew from early nineteenth-century German philosophy .
3 This effect can vitiate scientific observation , as when seventeenth century experimenters , familiar with the concepts of post-Galilean mechanics but not of electrostatic attraction and repulsion , regularly reported observing chaff falling as though by gravitation , or mechanically rebounding from the electrified bodies which attracted them .
4 So usually one or other of the parent birds must stay with the eggs for most of the time .
5 On this occasion he did not succeed in finding any penguin 's eggs , but came back with a live penguin , and with the eggs of various gulls .
6 Fish , too , can sometimes find themselves with the eggs of another species , as in the case of perch and minnows ( see BBC WILDLIFE , December , p824 ) .
7 These approaches have a preoccupation with the activities of ordinary people rather than with important figures and are concerned with providing an alternative perspective on our past .
8 I should like clause 56 to be utilised to deal with the activities of many other organisations .
9 For example , there might be more politics in the branches of the Young Conservatives , with the activities of committed freemarket ideologists in greater evidence .
10 Himalayan skiing has had a long and painfully slow gestation period beginning with the activities of various Indian Army Officers in the early part of the century .
11 The price of over-identifying the struggle against racism with the activities of these extremist groups and group lets is that however much of a problem they may be in a particular area ( and I am not denying the need to combat their organizing ) they are exceptional .
12 Life Line , the internal publication for the bank 's employees , which keeps them in touch with the activities of Royal Scottish Assurance — publishes a table which shows the top 20 branches in 1991/92 ranked by insurance commission earnings .
13 However , accidents do happen to school-age children in the course of play , and consistent with the activities of this age group , they suffer fewer accidents in the home ( compared with pre-school age children ) but more accidents outdoors and in the school playground .
14 The threat from Catholics was constantly raised by him , for example , when he linked the failures of foreign policies with the activities of domestic papists ( 1625 ) and raised the bogy of their ‘ swarming ’ in the suburbs , claiming that in his neighbourhood of Covent Garden they outnumbered Protestants by three to one and had set up an autonomous community too strong for ‘ us the justices ’ to ‘ cast out ’ .
15 Benedict , weak from hunger , his golden hair bedraggled and grimed , his fine clothes unkempt and dirty , and , in all probability , his head foggy with the fumes of cheap gin !
16 But these disagreements are ‘ small ’ in comparison with the barriers of mutual ignorance and distrust between the main representatives of the analytical tradition on the one hand and the main philosophical schools of the European continent on the other .
17 Although his caution sprang largely from natural inclination , it coincided , up to a point , with the dictates of common sense .
18 When congratulating Paskevich on the end of the war with the Turks in 1829 , Nicholas told him that his next task was to be " the permanent pacification of the mountain peoples or the extermination of the recalcitrant " .
19 Other instructions readjusted local power politics in line with the personnel-changes in 828 : on 4 April 829 , missi were instructed to investigate Matfrid 's " misdeeds " in the county of Orléans , and to encourage complainants to come forward .
20 It is possible to think that this plebeian has been lent some part of Naipaul 's aristocratic fastidiousness , some part of his hostility , while also suffering the consequences of an exposure to these qualities , and to recall that both Ahmed and the author of An Area of Darkness are preoccupied with the hanks of human shit that litter certain landscapes .
21 They are to be seen at Di Meo until mid-March and until 20 March together with the paintings of Christian Henry in the Salle Saint-Jean of the Hotel de Ville .
22 Continued allegations were made that surplus revenues were being applied for civic and municipal purposes and not for the improvement of the Harbour in accordance with the Acts of 1799 and 1826 .
23 Well We came in one morning , the electrician and I , about five instead of seven , because we 'd done and er we used to nip in and kip down with the horses for ten minutes which was forbidden , to sleep in the colliery .
24 Over the next ten years it opened the doors to the development of relations between Wilson 's union and the shipowners so cordial and mutually supportive that his enemies in the labour movement could express ironic astonishment that he had ever had " any special connection with the Seamen at all " .
25 It was beginning with the disasters on one way systems and then of course a panic decision to do further research into the so called traffic problems of St Albans .
26 Green 's playtime involved getting pissed with the locals during leisurely lock-ins in the village pub , and intentionally losing touch with the big bad world of the music business .
27 Decisions on the use of nuclear weapons would be made by the President of the Russian Federation in consultation with the leaders of the other republics in which nuclear weapons were stationed — Ukraine , Byelarus and Kazakhstan — and with the leaders of other members of the CIS .
28 Meanwhile the Prime Minister is understood to be arranging a series of meetings with the leaders of all the main constitutional parties in Northern Ireland .
29 But by the 1860s Berkeley Hill had become integrated into the culture of London 's professional gentry , where experts rubbed shoulders with the leaders of upper middle-class and aristocratic society .
30 Premadasa met with the leaders of anti-LTTE Tamil groups in Colombo on July 13 and 26 .
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