Example sentences of "with [noun] at the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 She looked with horror at the fingers which had cruelly raked Bill Yardley 's face , and heard her own voice uttering words not even fit to be heard in the alleys .
2 She knew without being told that Ana was walking in her sleep and she was filled with horror at the girl walking through the gate and beyond , perhaps waking late and not knowing where she was , unable to see .
3 Curbishley 's next races will be in the Inter-Counties match with Northumberland at the Cleveland County Stadium next Saturday .
4 In accepting Orlov 's suggestion and transferring Kiselev to Paris , Alexander damaged the prospects of reform to a much greater extent than he had by replacing Bibikov with Lanskoi at the Ministry of Internal Affairs .
5 In one corner stood a case of stuffed fish whose glassy eyes seemed to gaze with malevolence at the newcomers .
6 EC Agriculture Ministers agreed on Dec. 12 to eliminate all border veterinary checks on meat and meat products by Jan. 1 , 1993 , replacing them with checks at the point of origin ; on the insistence of Denmark , Ireland and the UK , however , the move would be conditional on the eradication of certain animal diseases throughout the EC .
7 Leonora barely heard him , suddenly stricken with dread at the thought of long night hours ahead alone .
8 The user can also choose to produce the Listing file with titles at the top and bottom of the page ( ‘ Headings and Footings ’ ) and to have a ‘ Blank line inserted in the file after each relation set ’ .
9 The Grain Terminal Board of Directors with chairman at the helm .
10 ‘ When I read the Medau News , ‘ she says , ‘ I am completely overwhelmed with admiration at the way my Medau colleagues have created a Medau world in this country — far beyond any pipe dreams Molly and I could have had in the early years of struggle .
11 On the mile-long drive up to the Abbey Anna exclaimed with admiration at the banks of rhododendrons in bloom at each side of the narrow road , and they were chatting with the familiarity of old friends as Merrill pulled into the car park .
12 But opposing them were associates of a group calling itself ‘ Fight for Freedom ’ , who felt that it would be necessary to deal harshly with Germany at the end of the war .
13 A conflict with experience at the periphery occasions readjustments in the interior of the field .
14 The ornithischia often had bony beaks at the front with teeth at the sides and back of the jaws .
15 Once when dancing with Minton at the Gargoyle and hearing some Guards officers making snide remarks he walked up to the table , laden with food and champagne , where they were sitting with their ladies and overturned the lot , and was barred from the club for about two weeks .
16 Seconds later , white fangs glistening with saliva at the prospect of yet another easy kill and of having their lean bellies filled with delicious human flesh , the Hellhounds were hot on the trail of their unsuspecting prey …
17 JC : … and you and I performed bits and pieces from the opera with Ben at the piano .
18 The following night , Nicholas presented himself with Astorre at the gate of the Mameluke camp , with its well-defended ring of wagons and store-houses .
19 City : Attalli 's new order of things — one year on Frank Kane finds a Frenchman in the Anglo-Saxon world of banking pleased with progress at the institution he helped to found to rebuild the East
20 With Williamson at the wheel the boat chugged along merrily while the rest of us lolled on deck-chairs with plenty of laughter and good cheer .
21 But Hendry had quickly noticed that security was being beefed up , with police mingling with crowds at the Rothmans Grand Prix in Reading and the UK Championship in Preston after threats to shoot him at the table .
22 It is starting with objects at the bottom or system level and then building in real-time features .
23 Marjanov 's early training as a machine-fitter was followed by a period of study with Megert at the Kunstakademie in Düsseldorf , where the artist now lives and works in the Ratherstrasse artists ' collective .
24 Meanwhile , there are some pretty primitive creatures driving around with money in their Torpedoes and Boomerangs , or sitting down with money at the Mahatma or the Assisi , or just standing there with money , in the shops , in the pubs , in the streets .
25 Small wonder then that yesterday 's new dawn was greeted with scepticism at the chalk face .
26 But that is not to take anything away from Rogallo whose researches with NACA at the Langley Research Center into Parawings were well known , and had been picked up by several inventive minds in the kite world .
27 It was a beautiful sunny morning , and at eleven o'clock , after I had done a quick surgery , we chugged quietly out of the harbour , with Lucy at the controls .
28 Some of the ways of doing this are more effective , and create less toxic waste , than others , but many of them share a concern with maintenance at the cost of growth .
29 Hereford are having no luck with referees at the moment .
30 He was seen as a supreme First Division predator , with a sequence of seven top-flight goals in just ten games in the mid-winter months as Palace pursued Arsenal and Liverpool at the top of the table ; he was also offered additional encouragement with recognition at the England B level .
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