Example sentences of "with [noun] to this [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 A male patient with damage to this region was unable to recognize his wife or other members of his family by sight : this was not the result of a generalized loss of the ability to recognize people , because he had no difficulty in recognizing them by their voices .
2 Can I just say at this point that erm John will happ had a word with the landlady and the landlord of the Reindeer , with regards to this application , and what the landlady told John was that she and her husband would dearly like to do away with the breeze block garage that is there , that is totally out of character , and extend the car park way back to the garages , but the brewery are insisting that they do what is planned here and do away with some of the
3 At this point students should be asked to comment on these results and on the advantages of CVP analysis with reference to this problem .
4 The most desirable form of employment for many Scots in the eighteenth century was that provided by the East India Company , and a politician with access to this commodity was normally a man of strong interest in his region .
5 He 's still just as comical and lives with Maureen to this day .
6 Confidence is such that Walker is looking to expand its operations from the US , Canada and UK to the South East and Western Europe to — with announcements to this effect expected in the summer .
7 Confidence is such that Walker is looking to expand its operations from the US , Canada and UK to the South East and Western Europe — with announcements to this effect expected in the summer .
8 The amendment to add the word with sadness to this resolution number two on page sixteen is before you those in support of the amendment that we add the words with sadness to the resolution please show .
9 But in peacetime if the neutralisation were not accompanied by demilitarisation the states signing the treaty would not have any rights and obligations with respect to this territory .
10 Whilst this was not denied there seemed to be general confusion among teachers about the nature of ‘ multicultural education ’ and the nature of the school 's problems with respect to this issue .
11 This shows that the adsorption site is symmetrical with respect to this azimuth .
12 With respect to this presentation , many eyes will be drawn off the ‘ window ’ wall where a series of ‘ stacker ’ shelves has been cleverly employed to present a ‘ three-dimensional ’ array of aero engines running from ABC and Gnome to Avon and RB.211 .
13 Since do evokes the very taking place in time of the infinitive 's event , it is obvious that it can not be conceived as arising prior to the latter , i.e. as constituting a before-position with respect to this event .
14 The logic of significance testing with respect to this type of issue is discussed by Erickson and Nosanchuk ( 1977 , chapter 8 ) and Butler ( 1985b , chapter 6 ) .
15 The record of the police with respect to this estate is frankly appalling .
16 In particular , with respect to this section , it makes a very good alternating voltmeter , possessing calibrated potential difference and time scales and , as mentioned in section 5.2 , an input impedance corresponding to resistance as high as ∼1 MΟ in parallel with capacitance as low as ∼30 pF .
17 It is thus possible to describe the types of information which are most clearly central and peripheral with respect to this definition .
18 I listened with fascination to this insider viewpoint , and the moody Miss Brickell suddenly became a real person , not a pathetic collection of dry bones , but a mixed-up pulsating young woman full of strong urges and stronger guilts who 'd piled on too much pressure , loaded her need of penitence and her heavy desires and perhaps finally her pregnancy onto someone who could n't bear it all , and who 'd seen a violent way to escape her .
19 Yet two facts must be stressed at the outset with relation to this problem in inter-war Britain .
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