Example sentences of "for [pers pn] [art] [noun] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 For them the MacSharry treatment is grim : slashed prices , grants that taper away with increasing size of farm , and good land forced to lie fallow .
2 For them the twin notions of ‘ education ’ and ‘ schooling ’ , which are still locked together in everyday parlance , are beginning to tear apart , and there is an uncomfortable sense that the latter may no longer be the best vehicle for the delivery of the former .
3 For them the Phillips curve was a statistical mirage , a trompe l'oeil .
4 Whereas for the Head of Department , evidence concerning professional competence was additionally available from two other sources ( examination results , curriculum management ) , for them the lesson visits constituted the only source of ‘ objective ’ evidence .
5 Maintain 'd for me a saving intercourse
6 Now , if you 've got the odd spare weekend , a boat and £55,000 to spend , we may have found just the thing for you a fantasy island all of your own , and it 's up for sale right here in the heart of the Central South region .
7 For you the tape measure did n't shrink — it just followed the wonkyness of the two-dimensional surface as it hollowed out into the third dimension .
8 As the Empress Eugénie remarked : ‘ It was for him a cannon ball that he dragged at his feet all his life . ’
9 Not for him the Baden-Powell approach of rubbing two Boy Scouts together ; he liberally douses the twigs with paraffin and throws in a match .
10 Quine 's version of logical empiricism would support a version of foundationalism not vulnerable to the arguments of chapter 5 , since for him the observation statements basic to justification , verification and language-learning do not concern the nature of one 's own sensory states .
11 For him the civilization stage of European culture had been ushered in by the French Revolution .
12 It was New Year 's Day , Bank Holiday , but , bizarrely , for her a working day .
13 The station had always been for her a place instinct with glory ; its function beautified it immeasurably in her eyes .
14 For her the multi-media scheme has been not only a counter to depression but also a means of exercising aspects of her intellect and imagination .
15 Now both of them were choking with their laughter as Mick ended , ‘ It got so bad that they used to wait for it every Sunday night and try to smother me with a pillow .
16 ‘ It opens old wounds for us every time Saddam Hussein is mentioned . ’
17 For us the fertilizer business has been a good business , in many parts of the world over many years , and even its downturns have been of fairly limited duration .
18 Not for us the tourist sledge of the one- or two-day package visitor , a short contraption , more tea tray than means of transport .
19 Many Portuguese people in hotels and restaurants speak French if not English , but unfortunately for us the Met people did not , in general .
20 Accordingly , it is important for us the view multimedia in this wider industry context if we are to assess its significance and likely future impacts .
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