Example sentences of "for [art] few [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The holiday camps are held separately for the different sexes , mirroring the gender segregation that occurs in the majority of Northern Ireland 's schools , but another form of segregation in schooling which is not reproduced is that of religion , for the few Catholic schools that exist in the Easton area nominate participants .
2 They can not then use that small amount for the few personal items that they may want to buy when they are in residential homes .
3 ‘ And I hope we 're both mature enough to treat each other with civility and respect for the few remaining days we 're forced to spend together . ’
4 For the few unreconstructed opponents of any sort of National Curriculum , still less one which is legislated , there have been two principal objections .
5 For the few brief minutes when the shelling ceased the scene before us looked very peaceful .
6 There 's no supplement for the few single rooms available in some resorts , but they are soon filled .
7 ‘ Until we can get enough food through to stop people starving to death , you wo n't be able to stop those who are prepared to kill for the few precious supplies , ’ said Julian .
8 In fact , even the Japanese language version of these is worth a look , if only for the few English words that remain obstinately untranslatable and stick out glaringly among the elegant Japanese characters .
9 We used to do any typing that was needed for the Aurae Phiala publications , and for the few little books and articles Stephen occasionally produced .
10 Even so , she had tied her hair back and simply slammed it on top of her head , If it had n't been for the few feminine wisps that escaped to frame that beautiful face she would have looked forbidding .
11 It is certainly true that for a few crucial generations in the late sixteenth and seventeenth centuries , the influence of Spanish Jesuits on the never-very-alert minds of the Habsburg emperors was decisive .
12 The often surprising results of the January Old Master drawing sales in New York revealed that it is just as easy to overspend on a drawing as it is on a painting , and conversely , that despite high prices for a few grand names , drawings still remain a little understood and modestly priced field .
13 I re-read what I had written , wrestled with the fading vision for a few sweating minutes , then gave up , swore , crumpled the page up , pitched it into the empty fireplace , and said , aloud : What I really need is a good old-fashioned ivory tower . ’
14 Addison has encapsulated the result by observing accurately that ‘ for a few critical years after 1945 , the home front ran on without a war to sustain it , and Britain was reconstructed in the image of the war effort ’ .
15 What they all have in common is a basic commitment that the vines should have been cultivated without the use of chemical fertilisers , pesticides , fungicides or herbicides ( except for a few age-old things like Bordeaux mixture ) , and the wine made without chemical additives or agents — apart from a few natural and/or traditional substances .
16 For a few anxious moments Franco thought he was dead but he came round within a minute or so although he remained in a semi-conscious state .
17 A small squadron could make a series of relay runs , each programmed for a few specific targets .
18 ‘ Just do n't ever forget that I hate you , Luke , ’ she reminded him in a fine , tense little voice , staving off complete sensual surrender for a few desperate seconds .
19 ‘ The group 's name itself has often been the source of some speculation — especially for writers anxious to pad out biographies for a few extra paragraphs — but the name ‘ Smith ’ has always been significant in the Morrissey hagiography .
20 Afterwards the whole group stayed on for a few extra days .
21 ‘ Well , actually , this is such a beautiful place , I was thinking of maybe staying on for a few extra days , ’ she invented hastily , knowing her mother would worry herself silly if she knew the half of it — let alone that her car had packed up .
22 Tito , at the age of 87 , was forced to stay alive for a few extra weeks by the vigorous application of every last trick of the medical trade , including the use of a kidney machine , long after it was apparent that he had reached the end of a pretty long road .
23 WESTERNS — For a few Silver Dollars more ; Gunfight at the OK coral ; Stageloach ; Heaven 's Skate ; The Outlaw Josey Whales ; She wore a yellow rasbora
24 He whirled away from them to stalk the floor for a few raging paces , and as abruptly rounded on them again .
25 Out of the short-wave receiver comes a scratchy-hum , and for a few bleary seconds I think it 's a radio station closed down for the night .
26 The new Eve momentarily wants to be a tragedy queen ; for a few flickering instants , she wants to be like almost ali the characters in literature whom we find most beguiling — Cleopatra , Anna Karenin , Madame Bovary , Eve herself in Paradise Lost — a figure who has risked everything for the sake of une grande passion .
27 Cruise had already picked up £8 million and Moore was paid Pounds 1.5 million for A Few Good Men .
28 Millions and millions of peounds for a few evoc-ative shots of somebody 's home-and-carstle through vaseline and old Jeremy Irons doing his voice-over bit and looking suitably moronic !
29 I had thrown away my chances in life , pawned them off for a few cheap thrills .
30 a little more wait and I was back on the bed of the big machine for a few parting shots .
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