Example sentences of "for [art] few [noun] with " in BNC.

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1 Add the rice and saffron and sauté for a few minutes with the onion until opaque .
2 I showered and then decided to lie in a hot bath for a few minutes with a cup of tea at my elbow and the latest Kingsley Amis in front of my face .
3 But pause for a few moments with the two names it introduces us to — Robert Taylor , the author , and the book 's recipient , Percivall Pott , whose characteristic signature it contains .
4 After he 'd gone Sarella sat still for a few moments with her head resting on the chair-back .
5 The field was empty except for a few ewes with young lambs .
6 ‘ I 'd settle for a few years with four legs like a cheetah and be able to go at forty miles an hour , ’ Otley declared .
7 I 've been friends for a few years with the head stalker of Corrour estate , Ted Piggott , and his wife Theresia .
8 They would rather continue earning this money for a few years with the hope of becoming financially independent , thus broadening their options and opportunities .
9 In April the Prince went off to the Kalahari Desert for a few days with Sir Laurens Van der Post , to see for himself the society that his friend had written and talked about so much .
10 My mother went on an outing for a few days with the Blind Club .
11 But this means that the soil for seed-sowing can be done simply by covering a patch for a few days with a sheet of polythene anchored by bricks or stones — in the absence , of course , of cloches .
12 His raw material consists of Stephen Fry playing Stephen Fry thinly disguised as a throw-back aristo who decides to share his recently inherited stately pile for a few days with his old friends from revue days .
13 One day before we had moved up there I was at the melin for a few days with an actress friend from London when I announced my attendance at a jumble sale that afternoon .
14 He was to have joined me this week , but his train met with an accident , so he 's been detained for a few days with an injured ankle .
15 John went over to Mosquito Island where he has established James for a few days with a government tent , man and fitting-up .
16 ‘ Oh — it 's my son — he 's got cystic fibrosis , and my wife 's gone away for a few days with a friend for a break .
17 He played for a few seconds with the animal 's jewelled collar then turned his eyes on me .
18 Indeed , after our second stop in Bombay a few passengers gratefully chose the option of being one-armed , one-legged , one-eyed , two-headed beggars rather than having to return to their seatettes and fly somewhere for a few months with their hands on their heads .
19 We stop the jeep for a few words with the Marines , some I recognise from a few weeks ago when they were on their way to take up positions on the coast , on the left of 1st Commando Brigade .
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