Example sentences of "for [art] first time [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 For the first time companies seem willing to bend a bit , maybe even give up a cherished shibboleth or two .
2 In this study we aimed to record for the first time patterns of UOS motility associated with occurrence of GOR in children referred for evaluation of suspected disorders of oesophageal motility including pathological gastro-oesophageal reflux .
3 For the first time boys received more pocket money than girls 10p extra on average a week and had higher average weekly earnings than girls by 20p a week at £13.20 .
4 For the first time limits are being set on the number of hours which may be worked continuously .
5 ‘ In some parts of the UK cuts in local authority spending and the move to the purchaser-provider split meant that for the first time students coming off social work courses were having real difficulties finding jobs ’ Weinstein said .
6 But the testing time has now arrived ; because for the first time posts of leadership in humanities departments are being taken up by a generation of scholars who have been familiar with the computer from their earliest schooldays , scholars who are neither frightened by , nor over-respectful of , the new powers which the computer has brought .
7 Government officials are admitting for the first time families in mid-value houses of £66,000 — £88,000 are likely to face bills of £600 not £400 as hoped .
8 For the first time headmen were supposed to report all crime directly to the magistrate , who was in turn required to record the case even if there was no specific person accused .
9 For the first time bids were by competitive tender , a highly controversial system introduced by the government in an attempt to increase competition .
10 For the first time birds became a common motif .
11 The Gaullist Rally for the Republic ( RPR ) held its national congress on Feb. 11 in Le Bourget , just outside Paris , assembling for the first time delegates who had been internally elected under party reforms .
12 This means that for the first time doctors may be able to tell if an infected person who feels well is in danger of becoming ill , so that they can try to do something to prevent this .
13 For the first time Unionists may have no representative on the predominantly Catholic West Bank .
14 The power of traditional chiefs was curbed and for the first time women and young people were drawn into the political process .
15 THE ISRAELI cabinet is being called this week to debate for the first time proposals made by Egypt for advancing the search for a settlement of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict .
16 For the first time films by and about the indigenous population of North America will be included in the festival .
17 For the first time children aged under 5 years ( other than those admitted for nursery education and those moving to a reception class from a nursery class in the same school ) will be included in the standard number and parents of such children will have admission appeal rights above .
19 For the first time details of serious crimes , including all cases of cattle stealing which village headmen chose to report , were investigated by a police force which could in theory take quick and decisive action .
20 The Disciplinary Committee lost no time in expanding its reports of hearings , issuing for the first time details of the chairman 's comments in the case of Michael Jordan , senior partner of Cork Gully , and Richard Stone , head of corporate finance at Coopers & Lybrand , who were found guilty last year of accepting the appointment of administrator to Polly Peck in spite of a continuing professional interest between PPI and C&L .
21 If the Lord Chancellor were to adopt open and public criteria for judges along the lines proposed , it would mean that for the first time candidates would know clearly what standards were required , and performance of the judiciary could be measured against them .
22 The 1988 survey included for the first time results from saliva tests from half the children surveyed ; this double check may have encouraged them to be more honest about their smoking habits .
23 For the first time representatives from the Soviet Union 's republics ( the Deputy Foreign Ministers of Armenia , Azerbaidjan , Georgia , the Russian Federation and Ukraine ) formed part of the Soviet delegation to the conference of Black Sea countries , which took place on July 11-12 near Moscow .
24 In December 1989 the ‘ First National Conference on Knowledge Representation and Inference in Sanskritam ’ was organised by the Computer Society of India in Bangalore , bringing together for the first time linguists and computer scientists from all over India .
25 For the first time DHAs have to consult closely with GPs , who retain their rights of referral to any consultant .
26 However , during the fifteenth century changes were introduced and we see for the first time representations of corpses , cadavers and skeletons , and it is from these — usually to be found on memorial brasses , and particularly on those in East Anglia — that we acquire our first glimpse of the English shroud .
27 For the first time colleagues , the community will be able to legitimately address these issues and initiate action into ensuring the E C is a people 's Europe and not just a business Europe .
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