Example sentences of "for [noun sg] [adv] [adv] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 And yet , encouragingly ( for fiction as well as for herself ) , she proved able to rise again : she became the established mistress of a cavalry officer , and by the time she died was the legal wife of an admiral .
2 It had nothing to do with his empathy , for shield as deep as she would , until the whole World became flatly three-dimensional , the conviction was still there .
3 That such a man should be placed in the role of ruler over God 's chosen people was deemed a curse — an affliction visited by God upon His people , a punishment for transgression both past and present .
4 First , the process , as outlined in the diagram , is a scheme for research as well as for teaching conventionally considered : each is seen as a concomitant of the other , and it is this which provides for the professional development of the teacher .
5 Paul ‘ popped round ’ for tea more frequently than was decent for a visiting lecturer , and he seemed to get on very well with everyone .
6 She had pleaded for help as eloquently as she could .
7 The widower will receive many more invitations out to meals in other people 's homes in the early days too , and he will have the advantage of never having to feel trapped in the isolation of an empty house in the evenings ; for if his emotional condition after his wife 's death is reasonably steady and he feels the need of company , he can always stroll out to the local pub for a drink , where he can remain in complete control of the amount of conversation he wants , or can endure , and can head for home again just when he feels like it .
8 The only thing she could do was tell him so and leave for home as soon as possible .
9 Making for home as swiftly and inconspicuously as possible , no doubt .
10 ‘ The reading of it has been a good preparation for Lent as far as I am concerned : for it shows me ( through the heroine ) the special sin of abuse of intellect to which all my profession are liable , more clearly than I ever saw before .
11 Teams of journalists , just about to go home around l0 p.m. , were told to work through the night as fresh editions were prepared for issue as late as S a.m .
12 If at times Hope needed women to a point of desperate madness , so , at other times , he ached for wealth so badly that he heard his inner voice crooning for it , like the ululation of a gin-addicted street beggar , the sound suddenly there but as if never absent , an ancient and ineradicable longing .
13 This alone would have been sufficient grounds for divorce as far as my Pop was concerned .
14 I promise to sing for Hochhauser as well as I can .
15 We ask for reference back so that a closer look can be taken at these problems in the administration of the benefits .
16 Recruitment gave us little cause for anxiety so long as the general level of recruitment remained high ( Our intake regularly comprised , in a College that offered a total of 14 academic courses , some 12% of the total numbers , 7% in English and 5% in French ) .
17 Charles was thus able to mobilize French resources for war more effectively than his predecessors , and to pay his troops more regularly .
18 The youthful Rundell appears to have shown his aptitude for business so rapidly that within three or four years Pickett , admittedly increasingly preoccupied by aldermanic affairs on his way to becoming lord mayor in 1789 , made him a partner .
19 I agree with all the right hon. and hon. Members who said — I think that almost all who have spoken so far made this point — that it is very important to give Czechoslovakia , Hungary and Poland the prospect of joining the Community at least by the end of the decade , and to give them every possible assistance in meeting the economic and political conditions for membership as soon as possible .
20 So you 're looking for attention probably more than anything .
21 Something of that strange that strangeness and that irony lies behind the famous claim ‘ I will try to express myself in some mode of life for art as freely as I can and as wholly as I can , using for my defence the only arms I allow myself to use — silence , exile and cunning .
22 For propaganda as well as for the military effort , Stalingrad was a débâcle .
23 On Feb. 6 the US Secretary of State James Baker announced that the US administration would delay submitting the CFE treaty to Congress for ratification so long as questions remained about Soviet compliance with the treaty .
24 In the first meeting with the Area Board chairmen in February 1952 , the new Conservative Minister of Fuel and Power , Geoffrey Lloyd , stressed the need for economy as forcefully as Gaitskell , and capital allocations were still as carefully scrutinised .
25 Suitable for use both indoors and out , with a range up to 50m , the new Courier chime enables the presence of visitors at the front door to be signalled clearly to homeowners no matter where they are located , whether in the house or garden .
26 Another day of dreadful toil had come to the industrial ghettos of early Victorian Glasgow , a world often forgotten and ignored , a world echoed throughout Britain where families lived and died bounded by a few streets , walled from the world of green and life by an invisible fence , a dead hand that bound them in chains of language , and rags , and marked them for life more surely than any thief was ever branded at Glasgow Cross .
27 We 're spoilt for choice here especially when you 're supposed to be on a diet
28 These measures do not , however , involve a general ban on the use of metal detectors and detectorists who follow their hobby in a responsible manner have no cause for concern as far as the Government 's proposals are concerned .
29 The prayer for relief so far as the third defendant is concerned , seeks damages for conspiracy to defraud ; exemplary damages ; an indemnity in respect of any liabilities to B.M.T. under what is described as ‘ the said deed , ’ which presumably means the legal charge or other instrument containing the personal guarantee given by the plaintiffs ; damages for deceit ; and interest .
30 This is because the group recognises shareholders ' need for information more often than once a year , Mr Luckton explained .
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