Example sentences of "for [pron] the [adj] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 These latter results exclude data from 34 patients with index ulcers less than 5 mm in diameter who had cumulative two , four , and eight week healing rates of 41.2% , 73.5% , and 97.1% respectively and 54 patients suffering from their first ulcer for whom the equivalent healing rates were 50% , 74.1% , and 94.4% .
2 Pat Bavester was another person for whom the low fat diet worked where others had failed .
3 A precursor of this line of reasoning is Max Weber , for whom the shared ideal and material interests of groups are primary analytical components .
4 Not for them the purposeless Irish custom of the kick upfield which might , with a bit of luck , blunder into touch and ‘ everything can stop for tea ’ .
5 Several months into my secondary education , this working provided what was for me the greatest locospotting thrill of the decade .
6 For me the light alone is enough . ’
7 Expressing disappointment at the decision to dissolve the Royal Commission , for which the new Advisory Council would be no substitute , Heath contended that such a serious outcome could have been avoided if , after the resignation of the initial six members , the Prime Minister or the Home Secretary had said firmly that they would appoint others to take their place .
8 ( For some peculiar reason the Boeing company speak of the ‘ chord ’ when referring to what is known in Britain as a ‘ spar boom ’ and for which the standard American expression is ‘ spar cap . ’
9 They talked about the difficulty of getting food in , when all they could find was Chinese takeaway ; about strange knocks at the door of the hotel room , and why the Iranians sometimes left unexpectedly , and who the hell they were really dealing with ; about North 's pressing need for aspirin ; and about getting the hostages out , for which the only foreseeable currency was arms .
10 Dutch proposals to include two tropical hardwood tree species under CITES listing provoked the angry Malaysian response that CITES " should not be used as a tool to straitjacket international trade in timber " , for which the International Tropical Timber Organization was already responsible .
11 Dutch proposals to include two tropical hardwood tree species under CITES listing provoked the angry Malaysian response that CITES " should not be used as a tool to straitjacket international trade in timber " , for which the International Tropical Timber Organisation was already responsible .
12 Other attacks included : ( i ) an explosion at the offices of the French Banque Nationale de Paris in Athens on March 10 , 1989 , which a group calling itself Revolutionary Solidarity claimed was in support of the French urban guerrilla organization Action Directe ; ( ii ) a bomb attack on April 10 on a judge 's apartment in Athens for which the May 1 Revolutionary Organization claimed responsibility and threatened to attack any judge supporting the extradition to the USA of Muhammad Rashid [ see p. 36667 ] ; ( iii ) a bomb attack on the Justice Ministry on June 1 and on three government offices in Athens and Piraeus on June 13 for which the Revolutionary Popular Struggle ( ELA ) claimed responsibility ; ( iv ) car-bomb attacks on three US vehicles near Athens on Oct. 22 in which four Greeks were slightly injured and for which ELA claimed responsibility ; ( v ) a car-bomb attack on March 19 , 1990 , which injured a former senior British Petroleum executive ; and ( vi ) attacks on 12 cars belonging to East European and Arab diplomats on March 27 , for which an organization called Social Resistance claimed responsibility on behalf of the " vested rights of Third-World countries " .
13 From 1927 in Cambridgeshire , the Board , with the assistance of a three-year Cassell Fund grant , had assumed responsibility for the RCC 's own programme of village lectures and short courses for which the latter received grant-aid from the LEA .
14 It demonstrated the excesses that are possible in the present climate of confusion and for which the chief public prosecutor has apologised .
15 It demonstrated the excesses that are possible in the present climate of confusion and for which the chief public prosecutor has apologised .
16 Will he now answer the question why in the other 11 countries of the European Community the total rise in unemployment in the past 12 months has been 130,000 , while in this country , for which the right hon. Gentleman is responsible , unemployment has risen by nearly 800,000 ?
17 These are surely the solutions for which the right hon. and learned Gentleman is looking .
18 Let us take the last five for which the right hon. Gentleman has been responsible .
19 The next day brought one of those interludes for which the English legal system should be cherished .
20 Harvey , nearly thirty years younger than Morris , did not really get the point , but with that courtesy for which the rising junior minister is rightly celebrated laughed generously in response .
21 All eventually disappeared except the rorqual 's flippers and teeth , for which the Marine Biological Laboratory had put in a request .
22 Not for you the deathly quiet below 4000rpm of normal 16-valves , or the back-busting thrust of a turbocharger .
23 Also , interestingly , Labour was trying to claim for itself the new Prospective owner-occupiers with a promise of low interest mortgages for low income earners .
24 Not for him the good old days of the 1960s , when the Mirror — social conscience and all — reigned supreme and Pilger was churning out his hard-hitting reports .
25 I had to accept the fact that he was an individualist , and that for him the only tolerable war was one in which he felt he was making some personal contribution — personal , but never ‘ glory-seeking ’ , as he had made clear in 1940 , not least by being prepared to postpone obtaining his commission .
26 Only marriage has for him the required social connotations , expressing the kind of personal and social commitment mentioned earlier .
27 Not for him the limited intellectual life of some academics , who spend their careers developing minor lines of enquiry from their doctoral theses and seldom move far from the safety of their chosen subject .
28 His wife hated their life here in Munding , and what had happened in the ice-bound park at Easterness had become for her the final bitter vindication of that hate .
29 Experience for yourself the breathtaking live entertainment , featuring musical shows in Lazy Lil 's Saloon , plus all-action shoot-outs in Silver City and the dramatic Alamo Show at Mexicoland .
30 Or should policy concentrate more on clarifying the goals and outcomes of learning , and on providing the kind of support which will enable schools to identify for themselves the best possible ways of achieving such goals and outcomes ?
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