Example sentences of "for [pron] [pron] should [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 If it means business for them I should think they should want to do more .
2 Yeah we should get sixty pound for them I should think .
3 Mind you they 'd probably get a hundred thousand for theirs I should think now .
4 This might help them to see his lack of social responsiveness as a symptom of his illness and something for which they should make allowances rather than as an unfriendly act or a personal slight on their company .
5 The Tories have much for which they should seek forgiveness .
6 To me ‘ positive'/ ‘ negative ’ seemed too sharp a distinction , for which I should have preferred the category ‘ included'/ ‘ excluded ’ .
7 To register you will need a French social security number , for which you should apply to the local Caisse d'Assurance Maladie .
8 the maximum length of time for which you should store it — and the conditions of storage
9 Whatever implement it was that hit him went a long way round his skull but did n't penetrate very far , for which he should thank his stars . ’
10 Twelve to fourteen and there 's a , that would be alright for her I should think , would it ?
11 His kindness , his honesty , his real care for others will serve me as a model for what one should strive for in life .
12 " Men are daft enough for anything you should know that .
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