Example sentences of "for [art] long [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 For the long journey to the Pole , they needed a lot of food , and they could n't carry it all with them .
2 Where possible the ore , as has been mentioned , was hand dressed in preparation for the long journey to Keswick .
3 There are references to such ‘ gonnes ’ in accounts of the siege of Berwick as early as 1333 , while it is likely that some form of artillery was brought across the sea by the English for the long siege of Calais of 1346–7 .
4 Now that oil is the main fuel for ships and other transport , the export of coal has almost ended but it was the reason for the early growth of Cardiff and for the long ribbons of terraced houses in the valleys of the coalfield .
5 — FIT-AGAIN striker Andrew Fletcher is set to be recalled to Scarborough 's side for the long trip to Maidstone on Saturday .
6 However , as terraces are usually degraded and as it is usually extremely difficult to determine their precise limits , a degree of accuracy lower than that required for the long profiles of streams is permissible .
7 THE FOLLOWING day is Saturday , and the Inspirals rise at some unearthly hour for the long drive to San Francisco .
8 No cliff-hanger ending for the long saga of the Guinness fraud trials .
9 Which of you is responsible for the long periods of separation , or are they merely dictated by your careers ? ’
10 A variety of reasons were proffered for the long delay in setting the seal on a deal but drummer Gary Murdoch maintains that ‘ we 've had a string of managers who did n't really know their job ’ .
11 He watched their departure through a spreading mist , and when the last car had gone and the avenue was silent except for the long sigh of grass , he allowed himself to be taken back to his room .
12 Most went by road to distribution ports on the local rivers , including the Ouse and Rother , for the long voyage to London or other selling points .
13 Day Four : A leisurely departure at 10.00am for the long voyage to Trier where you should be safely moored by 3.30pm .
14 Pleasant to browse but unwise to buy as I could do without the extra weight of heavy tomes for the long haul after the town up past Hay Bluff to the Gospel Pass — a climb to more than 1,750 ft .
15 Carefully he tried again but Cameron took his arm and told him not to hurry unduly , the joists had only been pinned in place and they were still waiting for the long nails from Grandtully .
16 Leaving the summit sun-bathers , we scrambled down crags and loose stones to join the track for the long descent to Little Ingleborough .
17 It was in part because of this love of the specially religious life , and in part because of the affection for the long history of the Church , that he led another pilgrimage ( 1959 ) of several thousand people to Holy Island on the coast of Northumberland and even The Times had a piece about the archbishop walking barefoot .
18 On the basis of these figures , the authors suggest that any test score can be regarded as falling within seven points of the true score for the short form , and within five points of the true score for the long form of the test .
19 So in December 1177 in exchange for 15,000 livres angevines ( roughly £4000 ) and forty pack animals — clearly intended to be used for the long pilgrimage to Jerusalem — Henry acquired the whole county of La Marche .
20 However , there is no point investing for the long term at the risk of being caned in the short term .
21 This brought an access of homesickness , not for the Yorkshire moors but for the English language , and also for the long days of last summer 's play , for Alexander Wedderburn 's blown-rose full-blooded verse on the Elizabethan terrace at Long Royston , English summer evenings .
22 But her own body told her a different story which , lying here for the long days of rest which had been prescribed for her , she had heard clearly enough through the bird-twitter of Linnet and her mother , and Tristan 's determined joviality .
23 Local children were very keen to get work for the long season at Blackpool .
24 The unit split up into three convoys for the long march to Kufra .
25 What really moved the men was the ignition of the class war , the excitement of climbing out of the trenches for the long march against the class enemy .
26 Wordlessly , she led him to her bedroom and turned towards him , reaching for the long zip on his leather suit .
27 The starting point for the long walk over the heath to the house .
28 There were other reasons for the long use of the sickle .
29 It would not have been possible for the long progression towards the perfect physical being , to have ever occurred at all , if it were encumbered by the constraints of compassion , an emotion which , by the very nature of evolution was completely non-existent before the dawn of civilisation .
30 He and his co-pilot settled down in the darkness for the long flight in the cramped cockpit .
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