Example sentences of "for [art] time [prep] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 Little wonder , really , that right now the two of them are looking for the time of their life with someone of their own age .
2 ‘ As the queen-dowager , my cousin and dear friend , gave you into my keeping for the time of your sojourn here — then , dear child , if you promise to have a care for your own safety , to give no offence and behave discreetly , you shall have my permission . ’
4 Combe Bank could be regarded as an attempt to reduce the four-corner-towered form of , for example , Lord Burlington 's Tottenham Park to the scale of a villa ; at Whitton Place he appears to have been one of the first Palladian architects to employ the three-sided bay-window motif ; and his stable block at Althorp , Northamptonshire ( 1732–3 ) , with its portico derived from St Paul Covent Garden is exceptional for the time in its exploitation of the bold simplicity of the Tuscan order .
5 In order to appreciate something which is above and beyond ourselves we have to rid ourselves for a time of our sophistication and , in the words of Jesus Christ , become as little children again .
6 After this he seems to have retired for a time to his Scottish estates .
7 The leave-taking this time was formal , bearing none of the displays of emotion that had marked Prince Richard 's departure — the queen-dowager was but bidding farewell , it was thought , to her son 's bride , a young lady who was going to the royal palace within the Tower to keep company for a time with her husband .
8 For a time after his departure , the Abbey Mill site was run by William Rice and Co , and towards the end of its working life was running eight pairs of stones and producing its own electricity , using a water turbine and two of the remaining waterwheels .
9 We know that Wilson married , for his wife Mary helped him and continued the business for a time after his death , but nothing is known of her origins or ultimate fate .
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