Example sentences of "for [adj] [conj] [det] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I think this place is more suited for that than any island . ’
2 Now I 've done the narration for that and that video is a hundred and twelve action packed minutes about Nottingham in nineteen ninety three .
3 If the hall is too narrow for this and many entrance ways are barely more than a corridor , try to get in a long bench or a very narrow console , or at the very least a stool and a shelf .
4 Spokesmen make statements but no one comes forward to say , ’ I did it , for this and that reason . ’
5 I think , for instance , that it is vain and quite pointless to try to enumerate all the elements that come together in our preference for this or that artist or poet .
6 The result is that instead of trying to recover the often indeterminable illocutionary force intended by the author for this or that character , the actor finds himself inventing someone who might have wished to express this or that speech act by means of the speeches assigned to him in the text .
7 Personal preferences for this or that novel , although clearly visible in the analysis , will be of a purely anecdotal significance .
8 ‘ Some very clever , very nice and very holy people need to be turned away from internal debates on the relative clap-happiness of church services or the sexual inclinations of the clergy or whether to write letters to the papers campaigning for this or that party in general elections .
9 The plan contains many elements of the prognosis of the anarchical factor ( e.g. the estimate made of crops , of the amount of grain available as a commodity , the amount of commodities represented by peasant production generally , and consequently , the estimate of prices ) , and this prognosis becomes the starting point for this or that directive .
10 As a result , the scrutiny of the estimates in the Committee of Supply became a formal vote to reduce the money for this or that department by a nominal figure so as to permit a general attack on the government 's policy in that field .
11 Private MPs rise and ask for time for this or that motion or debate which they particularly want , but normally the only concessions the Leader of the House will make is through ‘ the usual channels ’ , that is in private discussions with the opposition Chief Whip .
12 In this way the move to more fertile soils may have been made to improve productivity per person and increase output for similar or less effort .
13 Until the middle of the sixteenth century there was considerable hope , held by the Emperor Charles V among others , that the breach between Catholic and Protestant might yet be closed ; the abortive visit of the Protestant envoys to the Council of Trent in 1551 showed once and for all that that hope was delusive .
14 Supreme Court Act 1981 , s. 35A : ‘ ( 1 ) … in proceedings … before the High Court for the recovery of a debt … there may be included in any sum for which judgment is given simple interest … on all or any part of the debt … in respect of which judgment is given … for all or any part of the period between the date when the cause of action arose and — ( a ) in the case of any sum paid before judgment , the date of the payment ; …
15 Interest may be given for all or any part of the period between the date when the cause of action arose and : ( a ) in the case of any sum paid before judgment , the date of the payment ; and ( b ) in the case of the sum for which judgment is given , the date of judgment .
16 Against my advice , Walter , despite being 78 , was immediately named manager for 88/89 and this time we were runners-up and promoted .
17 If you want a building or equipment for less than that number of years , it 's best to rent .
18 ‘ I just bought a Jasper Conran suit for less than half price .
19 In an economy where manufacturing accounts for less and less employment , ‘ post-industrial ’ values might be raising people 's hopes for fulfilling work .
20 Today , the odds are that it will not survive in its present form for more than another generation .
21 In the region as a whole coal consumption ( much of it in India ) accounts for more than half energy consumption .
22 Here , whatever else is obscure , the need for a much greater commitment of resources is indisputable : without , for example , a massive renewal and expansion of physical provision , men and methods will not avail , though men are the essence of the service and methods cry out for more and more exploration .
23 The costs seem to be controlled but suddenly there becomes a demand for more and more money .
24 Whether one tries to illustrate subsidiarity by an upturned pyramid or a spiked helmet is irrelevant : Sir Christopher 's definition makes it clear that , far from being a guarantee for decentralisation , ‘ subsidiarity ’ is a blank cheque for more and more power to be transferred to Community level , just as the principle 's enshrinement in the German constitution has led to massive centralisation of power and expenditure in that country .
25 But there was also a tendency in both kingdoms for more and more power to pass into the hands of the chancellor .
26 Just a touch over eleven inches wide in the lower bout , Revell 's diminutive NY-5 guitar is modelled after the parlour guitars of the late nineteenth century — a design that faded fast under the onslaught of steel strings and the increasing demand for more and more volume .
27 ‘ The War Office , ’ Major Calder explained , ‘ were pressing Captain Carew and myself for more and more information about the IRB .
28 We were well aware of the problems facing us in the future , and the pressing need was for more and more information about the operations of the big smuggling syndicates .
29 The logic of TGAT , however , and its ten levels of attainment , suggests that alternative strategies are open to us if we care to use them ; and this is borne out by the small print of Circular 5/89 , which stresses that the keystages themselves are to be understood with reference to the pupils ' average ages , so that a pupil may ‘ be taught with another age group for one or more subject areas where appropriate … while remaining with his or her peer group for other subjects . ’
30 The Aug. 6 statement was accompanied by a photograph of United States hostage Terry Anderson , kidnapped in March 1985 and now detained for longer than any other of the Westerners captive in Lebanon .
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