Example sentences of "for [adj] [noun] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 But she sells them to me for fifty pence a packet still .
2 Silvex Modes , do pop in , ladies , convenient hours to suit you and the kiddies , and we 'll lovingly screw you over for fifty pence an hour .
3 for fifty P a week ! !
4 Question : Which piece of equipment works for you for 365 days a year , 24 hours a day , saves you money , protects your reputation , helps you comply with the law , and is expected to function without complaint for up to 10 years ?
5 For each subject a stool form score was calculated by simple addition of their three gradings , giving a range from 3 ( consistently constipated ) to 18 ( consistently loose ) .
6 Leave enough space between you and the vehicle in front so that you can pull up safely if it slows down or stops suddenly , the safe rule is never to get closer than the overall stopping distance shown below , but on the open road in good conditions leave a gap of one metre for each mile an hour of your speed or a two second time gap may be enough , they will also leave space for an overtaking vehicle pulling or wet or icy or the gap should be at least double that , drop back if you know that taking vehicle closing gap in front of you make way for ambulance , fire engines , police or van emergency vehicles when their blue lamps are flashing or their bells , two tone cones or sirens or .
7 For each proposal a group was given the task assembling all the arguments in favour of the development , while another , the reasons against .
8 For each question a score 0 to 3 is possible and the depression scale has a range of 0 — 21 .
9 Moreover , all pupils were to be subject to annual tests in reading , writing and arithmetic , administered by HMI , and 2s. 8d. ( approximately 14p ) was to be deducted from the grant for each test a child failed .
10 Any of the following tests would be regarded as suitable proof : Passes in the JMB Test in English ( Overseas ) at grade 3 or better up to June 1989 , the JMB Test in English for Speakers of Other Languages from March 1990 ; the AEB Test in English for Educational Purposes at grade III or better in listening , reading and writing ; the Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English at grade C or better ; the Oxford-Arels Examination ( Higher level ) at Credit or Distinction level ; the IELTS ( British Council/University of Cambridge ) , with an average score of 6 or better and for each component a score of 5 or better ; TOEFL with a score of 550 or better ; the London GCE O level Syllabus B in English Language at grade C or better or in an approved SCE or GCE syllabus in English are acceptable for this purpose .
11 He said : ‘ Originally we went for an American-style back-end load or exit charge which was tapered to reduce by a percentage point for each year an investment was held .
12 A simple ( yet still surprisingly efficient ) method requires that the number of land-cover classes is known , and that for each class an estimate of the average reflectance in each Landsat MSS or TM band is available .
13 All work within the group is assigned as projects , and for each project a project coordinator is appointed .
14 Mr Alan Milburn said new funding arrangements from April meant companies and training providers would be paid £28 a week for each trainee a drop of £3 on last year .
15 For each band a photodiode sends a signal proportional to the intensity of the incoming radiation to a dedicated pre-amplifier whose output is fed to a meter unit .
16 I now leave the lights on for eight hours a day .
17 He was a file-grinder by trade , sitting astride a roaring belt-driven stone wheel , breathing in dust for eight hours a day until chronic bronchitis and pneumoconiosis drove him to an early retirement .
18 From the sowing date onwards the plants remain in a controlled environment , with temperature 20°C , humidity constant and warm-white lighting at an intensity of about 40 Wm -2 for eight hours a day , darkness sixteen hours a day .
19 These developments could open up new vistas of flexible working for large numbers of employees , who no longer need to be herded together in downtown locations for eight hours a day .
20 It should be stressed that in the first period , when the plaintiff was at Addenbrookes hospital , that is from June nineteen eighty seven to May nineteen eighty eight , at least one parent was in attendance for eight hours a day .
21 As BR and union leaders tried to resolve the problem of finding new jobs for the teams , the men turned up for work each day at Liverpool 's Central Station and simply sat in their vans for eight hours a day .
22 ‘ I am away for eight months a year and we hardly see each other .
23 She has not been able to get any type of work since , despite applying for eight jobs a week .
24 First , it was not sensible to launch an application for inspection of the liquidator 's report or to seek for that purpose an adjournment of the examination being conducted under section 236 of the Insolvency Act 1986 .
25 For that reason a divisor should be chosen that is not itself divisible by 2 , 3 , 5 , 10 or any of their simple multiples .
26 But if only I had been right , if only it were just Kinnock , or for that matter a couple of remediable policies or the voting system , that were the problem .
27 In the present case , there is no express or implied requirement in the Criminal Justice Act 1967 that a decision fixing the tariff period , or for that matter a decision to release a prisoner on licence , must be taken by the Secretary of State personally .
28 They could be applied to anything regardless of whether it was an Oxford College , or for that matter an oak tree or my dog .
29 Britain needs fewer but brighter racecourses , each with a range of facilities that will attract customers for 300 days a year , not 10 .
30 Radio 1 broadcasts for twenty-one hours a day , although shortly this will be twenty-four .
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